An Open Letter to Mr Yechury from a Keralite

published on February 28, 2016


Dear Mr Yechury,

I happened to watch your speech rendered in Parliament House. For those humans who do not have an inkling of the ideology you profess and follow, the words might sound lofty, with the broadest of approach towards humanity which you have tried to showcase. But trust me; neither I nor the legions of people who have been victims of the ideology you have professed about, would comply with even a syllable you have uttered. You have guessed it perfectly right – I am indeed a Keralite, the same place where members of the student organisation nurtured by your political party stoned ABVP workers, ensuring that they continued the ghastly act till the latter could no more withstand the brutality and eventually died. The same Kerala, where your activists inflicted 51 wounds on a person, by hacking him to death, for the sheer reason that he decided to make an exit from your political party. I could quote a hundred such barbaric killings by members of your party including the brutal murder of a school teacher in front of tiny tots, his primary school students- all this, just because of the broadness of your ideology you go around singing?

Mr Yechury, if I recall, I would quote you saying, “My tradition is, let a hundred flowers bloom, let a thousand thoughts content”. Hilarious!! You put me in peels of laughter by making me contemplate over the numerous Communist Party villages and colleges of Kerala, where your party members would not ever let even the shadow of another political organisation fall, including those of sister concerns like CPI and its student’s wing. So when you waxed eloquence about the freedom of expression, I would only say that hypocrisy is too mild and diluted a term if anyone has to describe it.

Mr Yechury, let me quote you yet again from your Parliament speech. “Onam is celebrated on the day Mahabali was killed by Vishnu”. Let us speak of scriptures, which are the sole and authoritative basis of our rich Puranas. Pray, Mr Yechury, kindly enlighten us, by pointing out the scripture that says “Vishnu killed Mahabali”!!! Every single scripture warbles how Mahabali was sent to a place called Sutala, which stands equivalent to heaven, where Bali was blessed enough to dwell with his grandfather, the greatest devotee of Maha Vishnu, Prahlada. Bali was offered the post of Indra too, just as he desired, in the forthcoming Kalpa. And the most important piece of information I would like to impart to you, Mr Yechury, is the cultural truth about Thiruvonam falling in the month of Chingam, the very day Keralites celebrate Onam, being the birthday of Vamana, who is the incarnation of Maha Vishnu. If you can wipe away a thin layer of cobweb from your memory and vision, you can easily see how very openly Kerala observes special poojas on the day, in temples dedicated to Vamana, one of the most famous among them being the sacred shrine in Trikkakkara. So this leads us to conclude with every ounce of conviction, that you are not just a hypocrite alone, but an absolute perjurer, malinger and misleader. In short, a liar!

But we Hindus, who observe the festival in all its gaiety are hardly bothered if it marks the birthday of Vamana or the return of Mahabali to Bhooloka to visit his subjects once a year. We accept both ways of thinking with utmost respect and happiness .We consider Mahabali as a great monarch who ruled Kerala eons ago. We also worship Bhagwan Vishnu. That is the broadness of thought Hinduism allows and imparts to those who follow the marga of Sanatana Dharma, quite unlike the primitive, narrow, anaemic, sickly Palaeolithic Communism. We Hindus have every single right to believe or not to believe anything. And let me remind you, we have been doing this for thousands of years. But you should understand that those who feel they have a right to worship Mahishasura do not have the right to insult Devi Ma Durga. And it definitely is not right or civil to go around spreading canards, as has always been Marxist tradition, to spread canards, especially gross ones that state ‘Vishnu killed Bali’.

Lastly Mr Yechury, I heard you say, “My tradition is not creating circumstances to lead that child to commit suicide”. May be I should agree with you here. Your tradition is not that of creating circumstances. It just goes a step further- your tradition is that of simply murdering them instead. So Mr Yechury, I would never ask you to put an end to the passionate task you have indulged in- that of spinning yarns of fib or lies and spewing streams of hypocrisy around you. I would not even ask you to let other organisations work in Communist dominated villages and colleges. I am fully aware that as a true Communist, your tradition is that which you have inherited from Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others of the coterie. But never forget that this is democracy, where they will eventually get their rights.

But then, you must be wondering why one should write such a letter. It is for a simple reason – just to let you know that we, the people are preening and perusing you, and quite understandably, we have been in a continual process of comprehending the ‘depths’ of your ‘Communist propaganda’ day by day.

That is all.

Warm regards,

A Keralite

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