Taming the dragon- Part 2

By Siddharth Goenka published on June 25, 2020
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed here are the author's own.

“The strength of a democracy is renewed by reaffirming the principles in which it was found upon and America somehow has always found leaders who were up to the task particularly at the time of greatest need” George W Bush

This article is the continuation ofIndia- China trade wars on the cards? Well researched blog on Indian govt.’s proposed plan to tax 371 Chinese goods

Mankind is in the midst of the third era of computing and unlike the other major revolutions of the past like the industrial revolution which have shaped global positioning the pace at which this revolution moves is more rapid the previous, the industrial revolution was gradual and led to the USA and Britain becoming dominant powers in the world, AI is neither gradual nor just a buzzword anymore and if today’s powers do not play their cards right China will emerge as the sole dominant player once the third era of computing comes to its logical conclusion. The emergence of China will in AI lead them to have enough industrial and political capital to shape the course of the next century.

Every era calls for a specific type of leadership. The era we are living in at the moment an evil regime has taken shape in Beijing by the name fo the Chinese Communist party whose rise has been neither peaceful nor sustainable. This regime believes in suppressing its own people as with the case of Hong Kong and occupied Tibet and needling its neighbours just because it can China is in conflict with most of the ASEAN, India, Japan and now Australia. This evil regime needs to be contained if not stopped before it becomes too late.

Trade wars with the USA-

USA and China are amidst an intense trade war, American government as of now has taxed close to 250 bn USD worth of goods coming into America with a warning of more will follow if trade is not made more equitable. People assume these trade wars are simple economics in fact that is not the case these trade wars are more technological than economical whoever controls the third era of computing will have an influence over global policy making for the next century.

China has made a major push in all sectors which are likely to shape the next 100 years be it artificial intelligence, renewable energy, quantum computing, Electrical vehicles or Internet of things. The conflict is not with China showing interest in these subjects but with the means China has used to acquire a knowhow in these subjects. An accusation made by most of the western governments where such technology has been seeded is that these technologies have been acquired using unfair means. China has used IP theft and forced technology transfers to gain a foothold in these critical sectors. The concept of “China dream” first introduced by Xi Xingping in 2013 has only accelerated the unfair means through which the Chinese are acquiring technology to fulfil their long dream of ‘Ganchao’ A term long used in Communist China which means to catch up and then surpass.

Methods used by the Chinese-

‘Thousand Talents plan’

The thousand talents plan ws established by Chinese central government in 2008 the official objectives of this plan was to recruit and recognize leading international experts in the field of science and technology, but it has come to light that the Chinese leadership has used this program to steal intellectual property large amounts of money has been transferred to academicians in America and sensitive research material on strategic issues like nano- technology have been acquired by the Chinese government. One district attorney with the United States government has described this program as “a very carefully designed effort by the Chinese government to fill what it views as its own strategic gaps”


India after many years of struggle has finally got a government which is both stable and nationalistic in mindset. Every single time in the history of independent India whenever there has been skirmishes at the Indo/Pak border eternal defeatists both at home and abroad have talked about a second front China will open if India peruses an aggressive policy with Pakistan, similarly if there are skirmishes at the Sino/Indo border there is worry about Pakistan opening up another front , but this time the Trump administration has already opened up the first front with China in the form of trade wars the only logical step for India should be to open up a second front with China by imposing heavy tariffs on the 371 products government is proposing to. Through the QUAD initiative governments of USA, Japan and India have already signalled their intent of doing what needs to be done to contain an ever aggressive China. Initiating a trade war with China will be a logical step considering Chinese activities at the border, a lot is at stake globally with the outcome of clashes at the Galwan valley, the Indian government has made it clear not an inch of land will be lost in this conflict in such a scenario imposition of tariff on Chinese goods and monitoring of Chinese capital being pumped into India to buy strategic assets is the right thing to do after all, All battles are not fought on the battlefield.

Siddharth Goenka is an ardent Hindu nationalist who has studied at Bishop cotton boys school in bangalore and then at Aston university in Birmingham. He has worked in the field of finance with JM Morgan Stanley in Mumbai, he is an entrepreneur who has nurtured many successful ventures like kesariya restaurants and banquet, A successful dairy and an apparel company, he conceptualised his LPG Mukta gav abhiyaan this abhiyaan helps the farmer become energy independent, he is currently working on natural farming techniques to help farmers grow their produce without usage of chemicals and pesticides, currently co-chair of campus confluence, he is also an office bearer with BJP Karnataka.

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