In’s and Out’s of Love Jihad

By Krishna Kumar published on March 26, 2019

The innumerable love jihad incidents and the associated controversies that shook Kerala in the last couple of years, had made some Hindus wake up and think for alternative ways to tackle the problem. As a result, we have four new books from Aarsha Vidya Samajam which were released in the last week of November 2018. I believe these are the first of their kind books in Malayalam which dissects Christianity and Islam based on the teachings of their own holy texts. The most interesting part is that all the four are written by victims of religious conversion. All four are young women who were once converted, and later came back to Sanathana Dharma. One of them Ms Shanthi embraced Chrsitianity and the other three had accepted Islam. All are now working with Arsha Vidya Samajam as full time volunteers propagating Sanathana Dharma and help bring back similar trapped souls. The director of AVS, Sri KR Manoj is well-read in Comparative Study of Religions. He is a Yoga exponent and Sadhak himself.

A simple introduction of one these books. Ms Athira comes from a family of Communists. Her native Kasargod has substantial number of Muslims. She grows up as an innocent girl curious to know more about God, spirituality etc. but unable to find answers to her questions from her parents and relatives. At the same time she gets attracted to her Muslim friends who happen to be staunch followers of their religion. She gets impressed by their discipline and their readiness and confidence in sharing the knowledge about their religion. Slowly she becomes a regular follower of the Islamic study materials and lectures suggested by her friends and started following them secretly. Eventually she was coerced into leaving her home in pursuit of deeper studies of Islam and then to formally convert to it. Athira writes a 22 page letter to her parents explaining the reasons behind her decision to accept Islam leaves home. In this letter she even try to convince her parents and brother to follow her as that is the only true religion. Her parents files a habeus corpus and after almost three of weeks of being missing, she was brought to the court. The court sends her with her parents for couple of days while deferring the case for another hearing. In this God given opportunity, she was taken to Arsha Vidya Samajam by her parents.

Sri Manoj ji encountered her with simple questions on Islam, and started conversation. Keeping the Quran of her favourite publisher in front of them, he started de-masking Islam’s teachings and her misconceptions using Tharka Shastra. AVS has a good collection of Islamic and Christian study materials. This enables them to encounter the follower of any of those factions which comes up with specific puritan views about their respective religion. Finally after a week’s debates, Athira was de-falsified and convinced about the true face of Islam. She agrees to attend the Sanatana Dharma course offered by AVS, and thus becomes equipped with proper understanding of her Dharma. Then she decided to work as a full timer of AVS to propagate Sanatana Dharma. Knowing her Gharvapsi, dozens of Islamic scholars produced videos trying to answer to her questions on Islam. Basically they were shaken and want to stop others from following her to study Sanatana Dharma in detail. She came to know that Islamic social media are using her 22 page letter widely to lure other Hindus. So she took it as a responsibilty to answer to those apprehensions she herself raised in her letter about Hindu beliefs. She answers all those in this new book which is a must read for all Hindu youngsters. The other three books tell similar stories. These books have included the conversations these youths had with the Acharya. They equip the readers with enough points to counter the false claims of Abrahamic cults.

I read all these four books and I can swear that, those Malayali Hindus who read one of these books at least once, will not think of accepting Christianity or Islam on the basis of any theological conviction. It is the need of the hour that Hindus popularize these books. Hope soon there will be similar books in other Indian languages too. Those who want these books, please contact [email protected]

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