Globe with Mutilated India for Sale in Malappuram

By HK via Janmabhumi published on October 3, 2016


Malappuram: The markets of Malappuram are selling globes, where Bharat has been depicted without its head- Kashmir. They portray Kashmir as being part of Pakistan. The matter came to light when globes were procured for Viswabharati School, Chungathara in Nilambur.

Malappuram, the district carved out separately for members of the Muslim community by then ruling Communist government of EMS, at the behest of Muslim League .Jihadi organisations which sworn allegiance to Pakistan are said to be behind this malicious deed. It has also been revealed that members of such organizations have been instrumental in spreading canards about Kashmir not being a part  Bharat, and coming out with justifications, making the people, especially of coastal areas  and places where Malappuram shares borders with other places, vulnerable to believing the same.

With the matter turning controversial, a few of the parents visited the store to clarify the matter. However the shopkeepers were quick enough to dodge the matter, keeping the globes out of their reach.  However, an inquiry that was conducted revealed that similar globes were being sold by most shops in Nilambur.

The name of the firm that has marketed the globe remains obscure. According to shopkeepers, the globes were directly marketed to shops.
Malappuram, hitherto known for many anti national activities, has once again come under scrutiny

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