Win or lose-Communist leaders play the deceptive game

via HK Correspondent published on February 6, 2006

For several years, the Communist Party in India was spreading poverty, unrest, violence, workers strike, subversive activities. They were involved in media manipulation, betrayal of poor workers and peasnats and colluded with Jihadi terrorists and anti-national elements. The Communist Party leader’s careers and fortune have skyrocketed while the poor party followers and workers lead a life of poverty and hardship. While the party bosses enjoy the luxury of modern life and gratifying their personal instincts and acquisition of power, the workers who trust and serve the party bosses are directed to follow disastrous courses.

For example, all over India, the Marxist party encourages hard working workers to wage unreasonable, meaningless and futile trade union war and strike.

The unwanted and unjustifiable airport strike was a disaster for the party. The airports strike seems to have been solved for the moment. The interviews with the stricking workers on TV clearly showed that the workers had no clue as to why they were doing it. When asked whether they would stop the strike if the government agreed to make concessions, the brainwashed and conditioned workers simply kept repeating like a parrot they would do as the union leaders told them too.

The misguided workers dilemma is that they are given only partial or incorrect information about issues by their union leaders. They do not have outright view for themselves. As pre-directed zombies, they followed what is being told by the party bosses and the strike leaders.

Marxist Party’s Iran policy is another fiasco. Today the left parties seem speechless. They can’t seem to understand what happened with India’s vote against Iran. But any keen observer will note that their vehement opposition was weakened as soon as they came to know that Russia and China would vote against Iran. It is fairly clear that the leftists loyalty is for the Russian and Chinese party bosses. It has now become very clear that the leftist parties are dancing to the tunes of their Russian and Chinese money masters. This was evident even during the freedom struggle. When the Russian communists opposed Britain, the comrades in India joined the freedom struggle. The moment the Russians made alliance with the British, they supported the English forces in India. They went to the extend of opposing the Congress led Independence movement. They labeled Netaji as a traitor. The communist party betrayed the freedom movement and colluded with the enemy. The left even supported the Chinese aggression of Tibet. The same Chinese who are proclaimed atheists are today running around parading an ordinary man as the reincarnation of a Lama ! The CPM even celebrated the 50th anniversary of the so called peaceful liberation of Tibet!!! We cannot but imagine what would be the left’s attitude if China had refused to resolve the Sikkim issue.

But the poor lower level party cadre seems to have no idea about their the party and its anti-national, anti-social activities and outlook. The simple layman seems to be blindly following the words of his party boss. The airport strike also seems to have settled. But what did they gain? We made it quite clear to the world that despite our modernization and open market policies, we still remain a victim of militant trade unionism. The trade unions are made for the betterment of the laborers. How will the laborers prosper if their actions hinder the very development of the nation? By forcing the government to push for forced reservation in private sectors they will only discourage more investment. Why can’t the very trade unions force their members to work more efficiently and to improve their standards so that they can compete in the modern world? This is probably one of the reasons they have not been able to successfully enter the IT field. Because the IT field requires you to be on your toes and be competitive at all times. The communist parties have no use of this sector and they would get nothing in return.

The communists are the self proclaimed fighters for a classless society. Today they are forming their own corporations. Today they are openly supporting caste based distinctions within the Hindu society. They claim to support equal distribution of common resources. But they themselves spend lakhs of rupees on mindless election propaganda while their own cadre die of starvation at different places. The party today has crores of rupees as funds and can’t explain to its own members as to how well they can utilize it. Certainly a media channel and a water park can’t be shown as essential resources! The very party who’s main agenda is to oppose monopoly of private enterprises is today openly courting business capitalists all over Kerala and Bengal. Pinnarayi Vijayan says the attitude of the private entrepreneurs is becoming more worker friendly. It is a mind game they are playing with the poor workers. He probably doesn’t realize Kerala is not China. In China the party bosses are the rich entrepreneurs! In the gulf countries, one can find Chinese laborers who religiously wear Mao’s badges on their jackets and then sneak into undisclosed Buddhist prayer groups to remember Buddha for a while!

The communists have now painted not so very rosy picture of Indian business standards. They do not allow disinvestment of sick PSU’s, they expect the government to go on feeding the employees even if there are under heavy lose. They are completely against the privatization of the airports despite the fact that the union run by this party and its workers do a very shabby job. They are completely against foreign investment in the country but needs the same FDI in Bengal! They even support reservation in the private sector. They have reasonable hatred towards any management and still follow the policy of paralyzing the country at every instance. They oppose feudalism but have no qualms in supporting the Nehru dynasty. In the end the communists are just a bunch of lousy hypocrites who change their stance every day suiting their needs. If the left is so worried about the UPA not following the Common Minimum Programme why are they still supporting the central government?

Power corrupts all, absolute power corrupts absolutely. History of the Indian Communist party is indicative of the pursuit of power for the leaders and poverty for the masses. The failure of the airport workers strike offers a revealing reference for the decption and betrayal of the leftists

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