Will Mathrubhumi brand Santhosh Madhavan as a Moulavi ?

published on October 10, 2009

Aluva:In it’s follow up report on ‘Jihadi Marrying a Minor girl’ also Malayalam’s prominent daily Mathrubhumi uses the word ‘Sidhan’ to describe a Jihadi Moulavi.This time Mathrubhumi reports that Police seized Blue Film CD’s from the house of this ‘Sidhan’.


If one read this report apart from the mentioning a arabic term ‘Nikah’ no where one can find out whether he is a Jihadi or a Hindu Sidhan! One can also conclude that it was a Hindu Sidhan who fooled a Muslim girl.Even the name of this 57 year old pervert Jihadi – Abdul Rahman-is concealed by Mathrubhumi in this latest report.

To quote the comments of Shri Hary Nambiar a regular HK reader to the same story earlier

Mathrubhumi has reported this item describing “Siddhan does nikhah with a young girl.” Apparently neither the reporter nor the editor has any understanding of who a Siddhan is.

A Siddhan is a Hindu scholar one who is accomplished (read the rest below, which is quoted from Wilkepadea). Siddhans are usually Shiva Bhaktas. Indian media and political leaders are not only ignorant, but also so much afraid of inflaming the highly combustible Muslim community, that they insult Hindus instead of reporting truth. Mr. Virendra Kumar, send your reporters for a short course in Arabic. Also encourage them to read the Quraan at least once so that they know that it is not a taboo in Islam for older  men to marry younger girls. All Hindus have a right to seek an apology from Mathrubhumi for the inappropriate use of the word “Siddhan.”

One who is accomplished” and refers to perfected masters who, according to Hindu belief, have transcended the ahamkara (ego or I-maker), have subdued their minds to be subservient to their Awareness, and have transformed their bodies (composed mainly of dense Rajo-tama gunas) into a different kind of body dominated by sattva. This is usually accomplished only by persistent meditation.

A siddha has also been defined to refer to one who has attained a siddhi. The siddhis as paranormal abilities are considered emergent abilities of an individual that is on the path to siddhahood, and do not define a siddha, who is established in the Pranav or Aum – the spiritual substrate of creation. The siddhi in its pure form means “the attainment of flawless identity with Reality (Brahman); perfection of Spirit.”

Siddha also refers to a Siddha Guru who can by way of Shaktipat initiate disciples into Yoga.

When there are enough terms to describe a Muslim Scholar like Mullah, Mukri,Moulavi, Thangal, Musaliyar,Fakir etc the usage of the term ‘Sidhan’ merely exposes the psyche of
Anti Hindu reporters in Mathrubhumi.These very same medias were eager to brand a fraudster like Santhosh Madhavan as ‘Swami’. Imagine about the fate of these media houses if
they dare to brand him as ‘Santhosh Madhavan Moulavi’ or ‘Santhosh Madhavan Thangal’

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