Wife not beautiful, Reason for Thalaq!

via HK published on September 20, 2006

Malappuram: Yesterday was a special day for Jameela, who fought a lonely battle against her husband Edathodi Imbichali who ditched her and done Thalaq saying that she is ‘not beautiful’. This thought befell on him after having three kids!


And that wasn’t the end of it all, as his relatives and brothers started harassing her. On December 2005 her house was demolished and her belongings ransacked and burnt. The well at the house was poisoned


The incident happened in Malappuram a Muslim district in Kerala. When the mosque and Islamic scholars supported her husband, Jameela with the help of Indian Constitution fought against the injustice and finally the family of her husband gave the compensation.


Yesterday was the house warming ceremony of her new house. There are many unknown Jameelas in Malappuram living their life within the vile of Islam.  

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