Why Jesus failed again at Eriayur?

via VEDAPRAKASH published on March 15, 2008

The failure at Eraiyur is serious
As the mass-media flashes news immediately, definitely the Church has
been in jitters, nervous and really worried in responding to the
violent behaviour of their believers. “Oh God, Oh God, why you have forsaken me?


, thus crying the affected believers. Jesus’ assurance


that, “You all one in Christ, whether one is black or white, gentile or
Jew” has failed utterly, as these believers have decided to fight with
each other




Karunanidhi and his Black Parivar aid and abet
Thus, when the Black Parivar, atheist Karunanidhi and others have been
creating a lot of tamasha, sensation and excitement exploiting the
old-man Arumugaswamy, singing Tevram in Tamil and the advocates getting
benefits, the Catholic believers want separate Churches to worship,
pray and conduct mass. Can Karunanidi help them?
Now, Christians fight
with each other to worship the same God, conduct prayers invoking the
same God and inviting the Priests-Christian Dikshitas


to do so
. But the Catholic-Disksithas refuse to come. The Catholic
Bishops refuse to recognize their Church built. How that they have TWO
to approach ONE


Why Karu does not issue GO in this effect? Why the secular Ruler keep
quite or indulging in dereliction in his duty? The Black Parivar too
has been keeping quite instead of leading the Scheduled Caste Catholics
to their own Church, demanding the Catholic priests to conduct the
prayers or select one Arumugaswamy-type Anthonysamy or some other


to lead the march! Had they done so, this clash could have been avoided. The two souls could have been saved.


On March 9, 2008 (Sunday)
The faithful Christians clashed with each other in the name of Jesus
Christ or Mary, as reported by the TV-channels.
Of course, they pointed
out that they were Vanniars and Dalits (Scheduled Caste). Ironically,
the media continues to use the term “Dalit”, though it has already been
announced that it is legally incorrect to use such term.


March 10, 2008 (Monday)
Evidently, to suppress their omissions and commissions, the Bishops
with their political clout started demanding enquiry, commission and


Enquiry Commissionand Compensation
: Antonio Anandarayar


now demands a probe into the police firing at Eraiyur in Viulluppuram
district. He also appeals to Karunanidhi to form an inquiry commission,
compensation to the kin of the victims of police firing and those
injured in the clash.


Vicar General knew the problem three months back
P. Antonisamy, the Vicar General said three months ago, Antonio
Anandarayar, of Puducherry and Cuddalore, the Archdiocese had
constituted a committee to look into the demands of Dalit Christians of
Eraiyur. They had sought permission to conduct mass on Saturday evening
and warned the Archdiocese to stop discrimination. Thus, the
priest-heads in question know the discrimination very well and it has
been perpetuated by them in spite of the converted Christians accusing


March 12, 2008 (Wednesday)
: “Peace Talks” were conducted for four hours under Ponmudi, the Minister


Prajen Tranavnith – the Collector, Kathiravan – the District Revenue
Officer, Amalraj – S.P, and other officials participated in the talks.
They discussed the issue with the two groups and Christian priests
separately. Then, Ponmudi asked all the three groups to sit together
and discuss. The discussion lasted for four hours. Then, Ponmudi
announced, “The meeting was conducted among the three connected groups
– The two groups of Eraiyur and the Christian priest of Puducherry and
Caddalore diocese for reaching a consensus that such incidences should
not recur in Eraiyur and there should be a peaceful solution to the
problem. The two groups – Vanniyars and Scheduled castes categorically
asserted that they should have separate Churches for worship. The
Christian priests responded that they would take decision after
consulting with other priests in this regard during their meeting to be
held on 13th March. Moreover, the Scheduled caste converted
Christians have put forward a demand that the Church built by them
should be recognized and approved by the diocese. The priests would
come to their church and conduct prayers weekly one. The district
administration would take decision as for their demand for setting up
separate Fair-price shop. After the receipt of the report, the
compensation would be granted for the damage” (Viduthalai, Marchh 13,


March 13, 2008 (Thursday)
: Indian Catholic responds in its own way as follows. Church leaders appealed for calm after two Catholics were killed and another injured when police fired at clashing groups of Catholics. Father Vincent Chinnadurai, the spokeman for the Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Council told UCA news on March 11, “The clash was “unfortunate and counterwitness[9] to our Church” urging both groups “to reconcile and live amicably“.


Church leaders say the violence stems from

alleged caste discrimination

. The dalit group in Eraiyur’s Our Lady of the Rosary parish has been

demanding a separate parish for their community


dalit, descendants of low-caste people once called “untouchable,”
accuse members of the rival Vanniyar community of neglecting them in
the parish

. According to the
archdiocesan website, the parish was established in the 17th century
and has about 10,000 Catholics, making it the biggest in

Both feuding groups are considered economically weak, but the Vanniyar place themselves above the dalit in terms of caste.

This tussle


within the local Catholic community is centuries old, Church people say


The latest flare-up began

some dalit Catholics went on a fast, demanding that Archbishop Anthony
Anandarayar of Pondicherry-Cuddalore recognize a building they had
already built as their parish church

dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The group wanted the
archbishop to officially declare it a parish and send a priest there.

They also reportedly demanded the closure of the original parish


Police told media

demands of the “fasting group” infuriated the Vanniyar people, some 500
of whom attacked a dalit settlement and burned about 30 huts

Media reported that when police baton-charged the mob to disperse it,
people responded by throwing stones that injured a few policemen. The
police then opened fire. Two members of the Vanniyar community died as
a result, and a third was injured.

According to Archbishop Peter Fernando of Madurai,
president of the Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Council, another 40 people were
injured in the fighting between the dalit and Vanniyar, and have
received medical treatment.

The bishops “are saddened by this incident,” he told UCA News. “We urge both communities to restrain from violence.”

The regional bishops’ council will look at

such caste problems “more seriously and would try” to find some lasting solutions

, Archbishop Fernando said.

Although caste clashes are not unusual in the state, this was the first time Catholics were killed in such clashes

, and mainstream media have widely reported this violence


The above details are from the website:


with emphasis added for the context.


The Revelations
The response of the Church, the Church leaders and of course, the
“clashed and clashing Catholics” expose or reveal many interesting
details about the utter failure of Jesus Christ in India [Note, we do
not have anything against Jesus or Christ, but the way the missionaries
convert Hindus, make them fight with each other and make money


by them is condemned and criticized].



to P. Antonisamy, the Vicar General, it is three months problem or he
knws it, as he said three months ago, Antonio Anandarayar, of
Puducherry and Cuddalore, the Archdiocese had constituted a committee
to look into the demands of Dalit Christians of Eraiyur.



But UCAN asserts that, “This tussle within the local Catholic community is centuries old, Church people say.” That is from 17th century onwards, they have been struggling but they could not remove the caste! What a wonderful theological experiment


in deed in India in the names of Jesus Christ!



Why the so-called “alleged caste discrimination.”
Exists in the Church? Why alleged, the same Christians have written
millions of books accepting the caste, race and other discriminations
existing within Christianity! Even the in the newspapers, they seek
brides and grooms only with caste affiliation instead of Jesus or Mary





Why the so-called dalit group in Eraiyur’s Our Lady of the Rosary parish has been demanding a separate parish for their community?
The DRC has already implemented separate Churches and therefore, there
is nothing wrong in allowing them each group to have a Church





Why they should accuse members of the rival Vanniyar community of neglecting them in the parish?



Why Church built by Scheduled caste Christians is not recognized?



What is the delay or role of

Archbishop Anthony Anandarayar of Pondicherry-Cuddalore here?



Why they resort to

fast, demanding that Archbishop Anthony Anandarayar of
Pondicherry-Cuddalore recognize a building they had already built as
their parish church?



Why they should have wanted the archbishop to officially declare it a parish and send a priest there?




they should have also reportedly demanded the closure of the original parish, which belongs to the 17th century as per their website[15]?




Why the non-violent method of and

the demands of the “fasting group” infuriated the Vanniyar people?



Why the Counter-Catholic groups should have

, some 500 of whom attacked a dalit settlement and burned about 30 huts?



If The clash was “unfortunate and counterwitness to our Church” urging both groups “to reconcile and live amicably“, it clearly proves that the Church could not produce any effective witness so far.


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