Why Hindu Hospitals come under target?

published on December 11, 2011

Ever wondered why we witness lots of Nurses activism – In Hospitals managed by Hindus?

Look at the Profile of this person and deduce it yourself the unholy nexus

Name: Dr Abraham Mathai

Hindu Hater – writes Anti Hindu articles
( http://www.countercurrents.org/comm-mathai100204.htm )

Christian Activist
: All India Christian Council leader , Vice Chairman of Maharashtra Minorities Commission,

Links with Popular Front Terrorists – Have links with Popular Front controoled NCHRO a spo called Human Right organisation who advocates for Terrorist rights


Close links with Sonia Gandhi and Congress

And Finally

This same person is the President of All India Nurses Association !

Each and Every such organisations who are currently targeting Hindu Hospitals will have one such dubious character on top. Hope the Nurses will realize this double game of these leaders and should urge extending their strikes to Non – Hindu Managed Hospitals as well – Rather being mere pawn in the hands of these fanatic leaders. 

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