Who says Indian Muslims are afraid??

via Amitabh Tripathi published on July 27, 2006

Few days back just before Mumbai blasts I got a chance to see a recording of interview of C.M.Ibrahim chair person of supreme council of newly formed United democratic front led by Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid, this interview was done by renowned TV journalist Manoj Raghuvanshi for his programme ‘Bebak’ in S1 channel.


  During interview Mr Raghuvanshi tried to read the mind and psyche behind formation of new Muslim political party, which in spite of its claim of inclusive nature is exclusive Muslim party. Mr Ibrahim former cabinet minister in union cabinet described the need for new Muslim political party to uplift Muslim society, which has developed inferiority complex, and are afraid. According to Mr Ibrahim this phenomenon is result of partition after which Muslims in India did not get equal share in development and lag behind in society. If Mr Ibrahim to be believed, he wants to undo this imbalance and create harmony in both Hindu and Muslims by initiating more dialogue and understanding between them.


    After listening this interview I tried to analyse whether Mr Ibrahim was honest in his approach or he was also acting like Islamic apologists to cover up the role of Islam and its teachings in on going terrorism.


   Mr Ibrahim is not the first Muslim elite to float the theory of impoverishment of Muslim society and fear psychosis as an excuse of violent reaction of this society. It reminds old medieval days when Muslim invaders were followed by Sufis to make sure that Hindu society forget the atrocities of invaders with theories of commonalities between practices of Sufis and Hindu saints. In medieval period we witnessed these so called intellectual Islamic scholars always played the role of reserve army of Muslim invaders, now again Hindus are being deceived with some self made hypothetical theories to deviate the whole debate of Islamic imperialistic ambitions.


      On 11th of July when India was attacked by Islamic terrorists our political establishment and media tried its best to downplay the gravity of situation and paid more attention to make sure real motive of this attack should not come in debate. Indian governments haste act to blame Pakistan instead of looking within was not taken seriously in international community.


   Our political establishment and media did not hesitate to compromise with its duty to come out clean with facts in its obsession for correctness.  But this correctness was not enough to stop the role of home grown Jihadis to come under scrutiny.


   After two weeks of gruesome killing of more than 200 people whatever probe has revealed contradicts C.M.Ibrahim’s theory that Muslim in India are afraid.


  Couple of days after blasts Mumbai police detained one leader of Samajwadi party in connection for overstaying  some Kashmiri youngsters in his house. One leading English news paper published this story and very next day another Samajwadi leader Abu Azmi hold a press conference and threatened Government of India and Maharashtra not to blame Muslims in the grab of terrorism otherwise 20 lakh Muslims will come out on streets and no government will be able to stop them.  This pre partition syndrome in itself explains How much the Muslims are afraid in this nation.


     This threat was followed by another fundamentalist Muslim leader who is also patron of UDF the same party whose leader Mr Ibrahim claim Muslim in India are afraid. In first Friday prayer in Jam Masjid after Mumbai blasts Shahi Imam said “we have ruled this country for 800 years Insallah we will rule it again.” He did not stop there, he blamed RSS, VHP, SHIV SENA and Hindu organisations for Mumbai blasts and criticized government for falsely implicating Lashker-E-Toiba in this attack!  He dared to challenge Indian government to provide evidence against Lashker-E-Toiba, then he himself will go to Pakistan to meet the members of this organisation. Addressing the gathering of 200 people after Friday prayer Shahi Imam threatened government not to paint all Muslims as terrorist.


     In the meantime leader of Babri Masjid action committee Sayed Shahabuddin met with Mrs Sonia Gandhi with a delegation of Muslims to request her to stop the government and Media from portraying all Muslims as terrorists. It is surprising to note how Shahabuddin did not see the correctness of media and government to not mention the real motive and perpetrators of this attack and blamed media and government for portraying Muslims as terrorists. It seems he does not want truth to be come out and perpetrators of this attack will bring to justice. Time is not too far when we will hear about meeting of Shahbuddin like peolpe wih natioanl security advisor to argue him not to mention in his report how jehadis spreading their tentacles in all over India.   


               Anyway Congress president obliged them immediately and Home minister of India in an extraordinary speech gives clean chit to madrassas and termed them as seat of social service and propagator of human values. Home minister denied any involvement of madrassas in any terrorist activity.


  This statement in haste from an authority responsible for internal security not only disappointing but irresponsible also. Not only Home minister but also whole world knows what is being taught in madrassas even in ongoing probe in Mumbai blasts madrassas and Muslim seminaries from Mumbai, Bihar , Assam to Tripura  are under scanner of security agencies . In this volatile Situation Home ministers’ statements matters more and could influence investigation also. Is he trying to demoralise counter terrorist agencies?   


   These three incidents indicate towards a clever aggressive Muslim policy to keep government institutions on back foot in their probe as well as in their counter terrorism policies.


    This policy has worked well for them. They were able to get some allies in political parties who pleaded openly for terrorists. Chief minister of Uttar pradesh and president of Samajwadi party Mulayam singh Yadav took no time in giving clean chit to SIMI,the main culprit hehind Mumbai blasts. Mr Mulayam singh whose Hindi meaning is soft has translated it in its true spirit with his softness on SIMI. His government provided all facilities to make sure the surrender of chief of Uttar pradesh of SIMI Md Amir with state head of Kanpur. Government of UP has issued the direction to Baharaich court a district of adjacent to Nepal border to withdraw all the cases of treason or else from president of SIMI Shahid Badra. 


           Mulayam singh Yadav who is pushing the Islamic   agenda of Dar-ul-Islam since long time was clearly visible when one member of his cabinet Haji Yakub Qureshi openly declared prize of 51 crore for anyone who kills Danish cartoonist responsible for drawing Mohammed cartoon. One other senior minister of his cabinet Md Azam Khan few days back demanded separate Muslim state in Uttar Pradesh. But Muslim love of this party of the most populated state does not end here only; senior leader of Samajwadi Party Mr Beni Prased verma floated the idea of reservation for Muslims in Parliament and legislatures!.


   Along with Samajwadi party communist party of India Marxists jumped in rhetoric’s and did not lose chance to appease Muslims and demanded the enquiry on the role of Hindu organisations in  Mumbai  blasts, reminiscent to Islamist-leftist-liberal conspiracy theory of involvement of FBI and Israeli agencies in 911 attacks on New York as well as theory of Karsevaks burning themselves in Godhra carnge.


  In light of these instances it is quite difficult to believe on Mr Ibrahim that Muslims are afraid in this country. It is up to Hindus to decide who is afraid in this country those who have privilege to keep their personal law out of purview of Indian constitution, those who have license to kill Hindus in name of faith or those who are not allowed to chant Bharat Mata ki Jai even in their own country.   

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