Who is afraid of Modi?

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on July 26, 2010

Watching the different channels of the electronic media one was left with the strong impression that it is Modi which the CBI is out to catch in its net. Every sentence had Modi mentioned. It was: ‘Modi’s right hand man’, ‘Modi’s aide’, ‘Can Modi keep out’, ‘Will Modi survive’?, and then ‘Modi is not talking.’ Who is on trial? Modi or Amit Shah? So the focus is on Modi shows the UPA is using the CBI only to harass,humiliate and demolish Modi. But a gut feeling is that Modi will emerge stronger. People can see the game play because it is too obvious. All people are not politicians to be blinded by power. It was Karnataka first with the Reddy brothers and the Congress agent-His Excellency Bhardwaj violating all constitutional and legal norms to get at Yedurappa’s ministry and topple it. This sudden enlightenment of the illegal mining of the Reddy brothers dawned on the Congress.It was obviously an indication that the UPA Congress under Mrs Sonia Gandhi is all out to see that the BJP ruled States the Party is put at a disadvantage. Towards this all Central investigation agencies and the Raj Bhavans are being used.

Now it is Gujarat-for some time it was clear that Modi was taking Gujarat to an all time high as far as development was concerned.Nationally and Internationally he was pointed out as the best CM .The Youth Congress with its PM in waiting could not make a dent as far as vote bank was concerned. Gujarat ’s strength naturally comes from its stable administration. So the Congress let loose the CBI- first the top police cops were one after another in the net-This to demoralize the police force. Police began to sit back. What do they care? If they go after the terrorists they are punished not rewarded if the terrorists are Muslims.

Now it is the Home Minister who is on the run chased by the CBI .The CBI was bend in digging out the Sohrab-Kauser murder. It is not as though this is the singular encounter death in the country. There are hundreds of encounter deaths- across the country-be they in Tamilnadu, W.Bengal, and Andhra Pradesh et al. But the CBI was least interested. Pro-activism of the CBI is reserved only for Gujarat . This exposes a sinister motive. Its task is specified-damn Modi-discredit him and his government, and till that is achieved keeping digging out untruths and make it look as discovery of truths. Why this long pending case with such interest?

To make the above clear let me ask the Congress why the CBI has not filed a case against Rajiv Gandhi posthumously for his role in the Sikh genocide. When he was at the helm of affairs he allowed thousands to be massacred. His guilt is clear when he justified it by stating that when a big tree falls the plants around die. Mrs Sonia Gandhi was not in politics then- officially but was the right and the left hand of RG and today she is heading the Congress party. She has to be quizzed on her role and on all that transpired during the Sikh riots. Why this special treatment only for the Gujarat riots? 59 Indian lives cannot be compared to one Big Tree I suppose, and hence the backlash has to be accounted against Modi.

The same year Rajiv Gandhi and Arjun Singh allowed Warren Anderson to escape the judiciary and legal process of this country. The Bhopal gas left thousands dead-maimed and sick. It is time for Rajiv Gandhi to be chargesheeted though dead-when awards are bestowed posthumously the wheels of justice also should revolve in reverse and catch up the perpetrators even after their death.T his is what we see all over the world. The Party which is accountable and which is the perpetrator of these crimes headed by Mrs Sonia Gandhi. Can she be allowed to go scot free?

Why did Mrs Sonia Gandhi allow Quattrochi to flee the country? Abetting the escape of a criminal from the laws of this land and hindering the process of justice is punishable. The CBI should charge sheet her as the President of the Congress party and because of her special interest in Quattrochi. This is proved because she has rewarded His Excellency Bhardwaj with a governorship for performing what she wanted. The PM clearly stated that he was out of the loop, then who was within the loop. How can the then law minister who abetted criminality be made a governor? All this goes to indict not only the CBI but also the Congress how it is using/misusing the CBI and other investigation agencies for its political gain.

So first things first. Let Sajjan Kumar,Jagdish Tytler  cases be dug out and investigated. After all if for one single case so much of time, effort and finance are being expended then why not for the thousands of lives which the Congress henchmen brutally eliminated not be pursued with the same if not more vigor.

I will not be shocked if Mrs Sonia Gandhi uses her extra and unconstitutional powers to set free Afzal Guru and Kasab but jail Modi and Amit Shah. Let the Congress party and its leader go ahead and do it because that’s its aim. Through the crime and criminality it wants power. Who is afraid of Modi- the Congress-Why is it afraid of Modi- Because he is powerful, because he is an able administrator and because welfare of the people is his first and last motive. So do away with Modi and the way is cleared, the stumbling block to the power run of Mrs Sonia Gandhi is cleared. But she and her Party forget that she would have to face the ire and the anger of the people of Gujarat who have elected him. Disgracing Modi is disgracing the people who elected him, and this will by no stretch of one’s imagination be converted into votes for the Congress.

Have we a Prime Minister? Then he should know ‘What is reality’. The buck stops at the PM’s office. Democracy cannot be upheld with dinners/lunches with the Opposition. The nation is watching the great drama between the different ministries and a PM who is unable to rein in his ministers. The nation is watching a jumbo National Advisory Council (call it the court of Mrs Sonia Gandhi) usurping the role of the PM and his cabinet. The nation is watching how every institution of democracy is being subsumed by No 10 Janpath Road. This cannot continue for long. Let the CBI do its job but let all the crimes and criminal cases be reopened and the thousands of lives be accounted for prior to Sohrab-Kauser murder.

Is it a fact that Mrs Sonia Gandhi abets corruption when she allows A.Raja to be a cabinet minister .So should she not be made accountable? Is it not a contradiction when murderers are cabinet ministers the Congress is after Amit Shah for his alleged involvement in Sohrab-Kauser’s murder? As though murder and criminality is something which has not seeped into the Congress party. The CBI must have a conscience and not become ‘Her master’s voice’ It is to the people to whom it is accountable because they are its pay masters not a particular political party. The people expect the CBI to be fair and not to buckle under political pressure. Let it perform its task with no fear or favor.

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