Which is the most hated community in Kerala today?

via SYNONYMOUS published on June 17, 2007

There may not be much dispute in getting a quick answer to the above question in Kerala today. After Muringoor Devil Centre, minority status self-financing professional colleges, Munnar encroachments and killer missionaries in convents, the pertinent question remains as to whether Mother Teresa or Sister Abhaya represent the Catholic community of India today


The arrogant attitude of elderly priests like Bishop Powathil has destroyed all the remaining respect that others had for the Catholic community of Kerala. Powathil and his gang in robes seem to be bothered only about the education, welfare and well being of his limited circle of church goers. He wants equal status for his religion and minority rights for his people and institutions.


The question of minority rights is fast reaching a flash point in Kerala today and India tomorrow. If the so-called minorities are going to behave like the Catholics, Kerala would soon be a dirty place to live in. Catholic institutions and bishops are crossing all limits of reasonableness and legitimacy. With the support of some unrelated provisions in the constitution, they are challenging the elected governments and rule of law. Their direct access to the powers-that-be is what is making them arrogant. But in the process they are losing all sympathy and support of the common man. The entire non-Catholic population will turn against them and the revolution can become bloody if the saner elements among them do not read the writings on the wall.


It is high time, the double standards of our common law is challenged. Catholic communities everywhere are enjoying certain rights which are not available to any other community. Their direct relationship with another sovereign nation (Vatican) needs to be challenged in a logical manner in the highest forums.  How can a community and its organisation resident within India owe their allegiance to another sovereign state outside our country? How come Hindus and Muslims are not allowed to have such a privilege in countries like UK and USA? Indians are getting appointed as ambassadors of Vatican without any problem whatsoever. Indian Cardinals are voting for electing the Pope (who is the head of Vatican state) without anyone to question them. This should end immediately. And that will be the best way to contain the arrogant community to live like all other Indians in this great nation.



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