Where were you Firdous Syed when…..?

via H Balakrishnan published on May 3, 2010

Dear Sir,

Reference the Kashmiri “JIHADI”  Firdous Syed’s  ” Who will compensate Maqbool’s losses? ” – (TNIE – 03 May).

The “JIHADI” wrote:

” Yet who will compensate for his time in jail, the loss of career and honour ? Does one define Maqbool’s long incarceration a judicial oversight or a criminal act? – -  Whether or not one agrees Maqbool’s plight brings heavy burden on the collective conscience of the society”.

I have always found that this ‘JIHADI” writer is all melodrama when it comes to Muslims in general and Kashmiri Muslims in particular. Emotion overides TRUTH. If ever an example was needed, one just has to recollect this “JIHADI’S” writings in your paper about the ‘Shopian’ case. And yet, where did TRUTH LIE,  Mr. Aditya Sinha?

Where were you “JIHADI” Firdous Syed, when the mosques in Kashmir Valley, blared from  loudspeakers, in 1990: ” Aseh chuhh hanawun Pakistan; Batav ros hatehnew san ” – ( We have to make (Kashmir) Pakistan; albeit without Bhattas (Hindus) but along with their Bhattneh (womenfolk) . Yes, “JIHADI” Firdous Syed – WHERE WERE YOU?

Two weeks ago, I attended a lecture at the Madras University, by a  ‘ born in Kashlir Valley – ethnic cleansed Kashmiri Pandit ‘, Shri Sushil Pandit, who now lives in New Delhi as a “REFUGEE”. It was a poignant lecture. It also told me about a  ‘depravity ‘ called ‘Nehruvian Secularism’. My question to Kashmiri “JIHADI” Firdous Syed: ” Where were you Sir, when 3 Lakhs Kashmiri Pandits, the “original inhabitants” of the Kashmir Valley – long, long, before Islam came into existence – were “ethnic cleansed” from their hearth and homes, because they were ‘KAFIRS”? Who will compensate them for their loss of “IDENTITY”?

Due to the efforts of some of these ” REFUGEE ” Kashmiri Pandits in Delhi, they have come out with the FIRST EDITION of their journal – ” PRAZNATH “. In Kashmiri, it means ” IDENTITY “. The Editor’s Note in this FIRST EDITION, among others stated: ” Today all kinds of anti-mnemonic devices  have been put into operation to ERASE the REAL IMAGE of Kashmir’s indigenous cultural identity from people’s minds and to supplant it by a false and superficial sense of identity. Glib tongued “intellectuals”, AND A HIGHLY BIASED MEDIA, WOEFULLY IGNORANT OF FACTS, are blindly obliging such isolationist agencies by legitimising their agenda to give it a Kashmiri name “. Aren’t the “JIHADI” Firdous Syed and the ‘NEHRUVIAN SECULAR ENGLISH MEDIA’ good examples?

Sushil Pandit has written an Article in this FIRST EDITION, aptly entitled ” HOME TOURISTS “. Sushil was born in the Kashmir Valley – that explains the title. It was a jorney from Delhi to his ” birth-place “. He wrote: ” In 1986, Anantnag bore the fury of the ‘ faithful ‘. In their rioting and arson, hundreds of temples were desecrated and homes vandalised. AND THE MEDIA TOO, DID NOT HYPERVENTILATE AS THEY OFTEN DID WHEN MINORITIES FELT RESTIVE”.  And then: “  As soon as we turned from there [in a part of Srinagar], the lane widened and Batayaar began. – – – I stepped out and walked. Perhaps the slowest walk I had walked ever. With my gaze fixed and other senses completely oblivious of the goings-on, I soon reached there. I stood there, in front of the HOUSE, gaping at it for God knows how long. The shopkeeper from the shop behind me came out and asked if I was looking for someone and if he could assist me. I looked at him and said, no thank you. And then, for whatever reason, TOLD HIM POINTING AT THE HOUSE THAT I USED TO LIVE THERE”.

Who will compensate Sushil Pandit for his loss? Yes, “JIHADI” Firdous Syed? Yes, ” NEHRUVIAN SECULAR ” TNIE?

In the same FIRST EDITION, there is a photo exhibition of ” Pandit Homes in the Valley “, by a well known painter – a Kashmiri Pandit – Veer Munshi. The photo essay tells a compelling story of the Kashmiri Pandit architecture, and the state of disrepair many of these ‘Pandit Homes’ are in at present. An excellent emcomium to “NEHRUVIAN SECULARISM”.

So, Firdous Syed, who is going to compensate the 3 Lakhs “ethnically cleansed” Kashmiri Pandits? If there is no compensation, as indeed it will be, then so be it for MAQBOOL also. I find it distasteful to write as such. But a time has now come when we INDIANS have to just say ‘ ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ‘ to the Valley Muslims. If you are suffering today, take it as Divine Retribution for all the harm you have visited on the Kashmiri Pandits.


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