What has Telengana got to do with Ayodhya?

via H Balakrishnan published on December 14, 2009


Dear Sir,

Reference Aditya Sinha’s ” Telengana 2026 ” – (TNIE – 12 DEC)

Sinha wrote : ” In fact, Ayodhya is now only an issue for the Hindus, who wonder when the Ram temple will be built; Muslims, who have had a whole lot of other headaches since 9/11 and 26/11 have decisively moved on “.

AADABARZ SIRJEE !! But, I digress !! The question that hit me straightaway, as I was reading the Article: ‘ What has Ayodhya got to do with Telengana ‘ – the main theme of the Saturday Special? Was Aditya Sinha being ‘loyal to His [earlier] Master – Vir Snaghvi at H.T. – who wrote a piece of ‘EMINENT HOGWASH’ – “Ayodhya for Dummies” – (H.T. – 06 DEC 2009) !!  My two penny advice to the likes of ‘secular’ Vir Sanghvi – he would be better off indulging in his ‘Bohemian Fantasies’ in the Discovery Travel & Living Channel !! The last I saw him, he looked ‘ well fed ‘ and ‘ sloshed ‘ at a micro brewery in Singapore, tasting 10 different varieties of beer!! Cheers to that !! All success to him in the exercise of ‘elbow bending’!!

I again digress !! ‘ Muslims have decisively moved on ‘ – is the Saturday sermon !! Sinha scores a bulls eye, but for other reasons !! It is in the realms of probability that the ‘ Muslims ran short of goal posts in Ayodhya ‘, after having used all the available ones in those heady 1989-91 days !! From ” Show us any document that Babri Masjid stood on Ram Janmabhumi ” – the British Gazetteers are produced – to ” But where in all this is the contemporary account of the temple being destroyrd? But the British wrote only to divide and rule ” – to ” What is the Historicity of Rama ” – to ” What is the proof that Rama was born in Ayodhya at the same Janmasthan – to Waqf property to a Muslim graveyard – every trick in filibustering was put into action !! Every query of the Muslims was answered. Finding the going getting increasingly tough in the Govt. sponsored debate, the AIBMAC unilaterally decided not to turn up for the meeting on 25 Jan 1991. The villanous VHP was present at the appointed place at the appointed hour!! And, of course, none of this was reported in the ‘SECULAR ENGLISH MEDIA ‘ !!

The ‘secular’ English media and the ‘Eminent Historians’ outdid Goebbels in a number of ways in the Ayodhya imbroglio:

(a) – STEP 1 : Don’t print inconvenient facts – even if True. especially if it was favourable to the VHP.
(b) – STEP 2 : If (a) above is not possible, then print the story with ‘adequate spin’ to create doubts in the mind of the unsuspecting reader.
(c) – STEP 3 : If (a) and (b) above do not achieve the desired results, resort to conjectures, made to look as authoritative statements of facts. Aditya Sinha has just given us an example – ‘The Muslims have decisively moved on ‘. Keep repeating these conjectures over and over again, till they start appearing as the Truth !!

” Walking – Talking  [falsehood] . What an  [Vaishali]  IDEA, SIRJEE ” !!

And Sirjee, having run short of goal posts, the Muslims have ‘decisively moved on’ to protest on other matters !! Like
(a) – Protest Registering Muslim Marriages with the Registrar in T.N. (b) – Protest against polio immunisation as un-Islamic !!

I.m surprised that there have been no raging protests from the ‘Believers’ against the Swiss vote on Minarets as there was the ‘Cartoon Rage’ a throwback to the ‘Khalifat Agitation – 1920-21’.

I rest my reductio ad absurdum, Sirjee !!


Warm Regards

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