What about Chekanoor Maulavi?

via Synonymous published on December 9, 2008

    Sister Abhaya’s ghosts are stalking the corridors of all Bishop’s palaces in the state of Kerala. It is no surprise that such ghastly incidents are happening in almost all the convents and seminaries. There is hardly any spiritual ambience in any of these so-called renewal centres. Kottoors and Puthrukkas indulging in orgies, Mother Superiors enjoying lesbianism and Bishops ‘purifying ’ Bishop Houses with the menstrual blood of adopted daughters are commonplace in these slaughter houses.  Studies after studies have shown that the biggest consumers of meat and liquor in any district of the state are the Bishops’ house, seminaries and convents. The tripartite ‘game’ between sister and fathers in Pius X Convent was only a logical outcome of this excessive consumption of liquor and meat. But we should admit that Sister Abhaya is all the more eligible to be elevated to become a Saint, because if Vatican is looking for miracles committed after death, then no one qualifies for sainthood than Sister Abhaya.

    That brings us to the more important case regarding disappearance of another religious figure – the much revered Chekannur Maulavi. Unlike Sister Abhaya, the Maulavi was a vibrant intellectual who could have brought about so much sense and sanity among Kerala Muslims who are being misled by the current breed of IUML, INL, NDF, PDP etc. Devils like Maadani are flocking into an area where angels like the Maulavi were trying to bring wisdom and love. But CBI will never be able to make it in the case of the Maulavi. The players in t his case are much more virulent, formidable and determined. Terrorists and their god-fathers are based in the Gulf, and an Indian CBI outfit will not be able to do anything against the Saudi Arabian might. Most of the political heavyweights in the ruling Congress and IUML are staying in the Gulf and they visit Kerala only once in while. What is the CBI going to do in order to arrest them? Their beards and turbans are much more powerful than the blood-stained robes of Sisters & Fathers. Let us hope an unexpected turn of events would throw up a solution to this case also.

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