We need to learn how to read our news papers

published on September 10, 2013

We need to learn how to read our news papers in India especially with regards to riots. Invariabley obfuscation and cover up are resorted to. Pages after pages will be written but the reader will still be in dark as to exactly what happened. Mujaffarnagar in UP where ‘communal clashes’ broke is typical example. When news media says, Communal Clashes, it means Moslems attacked and Hindus responded.

Even worse media noted ‘eve teasing’ as the cause that started the clashes. Rape is not mere eve teasing. World media with rare exceptions tend to follow what is printed or talked about in secular media of India.
The heart rending story as to what got started the riot in Mujaffarnagar , UP, can only be gathered away from so called ‘main stream media’ which are fit to be main gutter media. They along with so called secular parties by providing apologia, cover up and obfuscation to most brutal attacks on Hindus in India are aiding and abetting ‘communal clashes’. Like in Godhra where local government was in the hands of Moslem office holders,the fire engines were prevented to reach burning train filled with Hindu pilgrims, here in UP too police were prevented by Moslems saying that local Samajvadi leaders would not approve of police coming in.
In Kishtwar, Kashmir it was even worse. All local law enforcement officials including Home minister were in the mosque from where Eid  Jihad procession got started.
Yet, we must not blame either Akhilesh Yadav or Omar Abdullah ,because they are secular, for the deepening divide between Hindus and Moslems as a result of ‘communal clashes’ in their states, hence no media or political leader calls them polarizing . Only Modi  is a  polarizing figure. 
If this is the situation in so called Hindu majority India ,where Hindus are subjected to such gruesome attacks, one can imagine sad plight of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh or even in ‘integral part of India’ Kashmir. Pakistan and Kashmir have completed their cleansing process while Bangladesh is almost done- from 40 million Hindus in 1947 down to 0.8 million now, all done with out noise , very quietly and peacefully with no chemicals or gas chambers, hence world does not take notice. Only in India with communal majority, still there is some reaction to secular Moslem attacks, hence ‘clashes’.
Shariat loving secularism is as much to blame as the radical fanatic elements among Moslems for making such headlines as riots, carnage rather than India being in forefront of information technology , IITs and such which were leading stories only few years back. This is yet another  giant contribution of Burka secularism.

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