Unite to expose the traitor Communists

via Raghavan Nair published on November 17, 2006

While the UPA government and its mentor the Communist parties are readying for a red carpet welcome to Chinese President Hu Jinato, China vehemently rejected India’s stand on Arunachal Pradesh and preferred to term it as `disputed territory’ and not to recognize as Indian territory. Such a stand from the Chinese authorities on the eve of their President’s visit once again demonstrates their arrogance while dealing with Indian authorities and the faith they have about the efficiency of their `cadre’ in India.  Dialogues between India and China on the disputed territory have been going since 2003 and already eight rounds of talks in this regard had taken place, with little headway in reaching a settlement.  It is expected that during the forthcoming Chinese President’s visit also, there could be dialogues in this direction.


Another important issue expected to be come up for discussion during the Chinese President’s visit could be about the controversial Chinese plan that involves damming the Brahmaputra river and diverting 200 billion cubic meters of water annually to feed the ageing yellow river. The project plans to take the diverted water to feed north-eastern China watering Shaanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin areas.  If this project called `Greater Western Water Diversion Project’ goes through, it could strangle one of India’s and Bangladesh’s biggest sources of water.


Sitaram Yetchuri and his `ever vigilant’ gang has no say about these issues, but are busy in finalizing deals for bringing thousands of Chinese Labours to India and awarding the Vizhinjam Harbour project to the Chinese company. The disputed Indian Territory at northern frontier or the dam that comes up in Brahmaputra is of little concern to them. Because, they still hold the view that the Chinese aggression of 1965 was legitimate and all along they have been towing the same line. In fact, they are dreaming of that day when whole Indian continent turn Red and without Chinese aid and abetment, that dream could not be fulfilled.


It is relevant to quote what Guruji Golwalker said in 1951.  He said China is expansionist in nature and is very likely to attack Bharat soon.  It has been a terribly blunderous act to gift away Tibet to China.  It is one blunder that even the British dis not commit”   



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