Ugly Conversion Campaigns threat to Peaceful co existence in Kerala

via HK published on April 13, 2007

Kottarakara :Conversion attempts by various Christian groups around Kottarakara is gradually emerging as a threat to soceity and peaceful neighbourhood. The areas around Panaveli, Chirattakonam, Ambalakara, Vettikavala,Enchakad, Perumkulam, Aanakottur, Oadanavattam are some of the neighbourhoods which are now under the threats of the extremist conversion teams.Earlier attempts were made based on the insecurity among the SC/ST  communities and thousands of families were converted to Christianity by money and muscle power. Some areas were turned Christian belts over night by the combined operation of the clergy and these conversion teams.


They were converted after being brainwashed that “you are all oppressed” due to the Hindu caste system. But after conversion their situation didn’t change much and the only benefit the converted people got was a new name. The worst thing which happened was the special privileges and rights assured by the Constitution of India for SC/ST communities became invalid after conversion thereby denying job opportunities and other government sponsored benefits. Realizing this majority of the converted people came back to their respective faith. Conversion teams got upset by this trend of reverse drain and started raising the demand of reservation for converted Hindus. The SC/ST community organizations realized the hidden trap behind this demand and stood firmly to protect their rights assured by constitution and which they are enjoying for years.


The new strategy of the clergy team is now to concentrate their work on the poor Hindu families among other Hindu sects. In Odanavattam money, job and house were offered to lot of poor Nair families in return for conversion. Similar strategy is being planned in Chirattakonam and Panaveli belts. The shrewd clergy has imported a team of pastors with Hindu names to achieve their goal.  Their initial attempts were foiled by the prompt intervention of the pro Hindu groups. They are again active now offering cure for diseases based on prayer meetings, abusing Hindu gods and portraying Hindu gods’s as “Chekuthan” or the devils. They are advising not to keep Hindu god’s pictures in home or other institutions.


Pro Hindu teams worked together in the Aanayam area and were able to bring back all families to Hindu faith who was initially fooled by such tactics. Some local political leaders are also behind this conversion teams and they encourage such efforts by provocative speeches.  Police is a mute spectator in the middle of all these and they are not reacting promptly even after numerous complaints by Hindu Organizations. Lot of money is being pumped from abroad to fund these activities.


Some of the organizations who were initially reluctant to protest against these conversions are now realizing their mistake and are joining in the fight along with pro-hindu organizations. They expressed anguish in the attitude of Kerala Police not doing much to stop such money based conversions and asked government and police to take strict actions against such ugly and low level conversion campaigns.

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