TJS George clings to ‘Secular Balance’

via Bala published on September 17, 2006

Apropos TJS George’s  “Terror in times of moral bankruptcy’ published in  Indian Express (TNSE-17Sep).


In an effort at ‘secular balanced writing’, George writes:


 ‘Our leaders point to the’ foreign hand’ whenever a bomb explodes. What foreign hand was there in the Malegaon blast, or in the killing of a College Professor at Ujjain?We have non-bearded terrorists as well- – -.’


There goes ‘secular’ George translating ‘hearsays’ into a Articles of fact!


Its reminiscent of the manner of reporting of the George’s and ilk about Jhabua/Jhajjar/Baripada/Allahabad et al in 1998/’99. Secular reporting eh?!!


Regarding the ‘foreign hand’,this is what Dr.Ajai Sahni,a terrorism expert(not a political leader,please),wrote recently in the media,On Terrorism


:”Between 2001 and August 2006, India lost 23,753 people to terrorism. Tens of thousands of others were maimed and injured. Hundreds of thousands were bereaved. Millions of lives were disrupted.The direct and developmental costs of this terrorism would amount to uncalculated billions.At the same time, the principal state supporter and sponsor of terrorism in South Asia is feted by the world- and the U.S in particular – as the “frontline state” in the “Global War on Terror”.


Foreign or indigenous?


As regards the ‘bearded/non-bearded’ stuff!!


The Indian establishment has numerous coloured books like ‘Red Book’,’Blue Book’,’Black Book’etc.There also happens to be a ‘certain’ ‘Green Book’,in use world-wide.In a profound interpretation of one of its verse, by ‘scholars’:”Al-Taqiya,from the verb Ittaqu, means linguistically dodge the threat. Politically it means simulate whatever status you need in order to win the war against the enemy.According to Al-Taqiya, “Muslims were granted the Shar’iya (legitimacy) to infiltrate the Dar el-Harb (war zone), infiltrate the enemy’s cities and forums and plant the seeds of discord and sedition. These agents were acting on behalf of the Muslim authority at war, and therefore were not considered as lying or denouncing the tenets of Islam”.


 Thus,I query : “Would not the ‘bearded’ becoming ‘non-bearded’ be in accordance with Al-Taqiya and by extension ‘The Faith’?


Didn’t the ‘non-bearded’ carry out the Church bombings in Karnataka in 1999/2000? Who were they?


The 9/11 ‘Shahids’,in search of the promised ‘Vestal Virgins’ were mostly ‘non-bearded’!!Got me George?


Lastly,in convoluted sense of logic,that only our ‘seculars’ are vested with-‘culpable homicide not amounting to murder'(Ujjain)= Islamic Jihad=Q.E.D.


Stop Bullshitting.Get real George.

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