Those unconvinced about credentials of desert god are singing about the glory of Amrithdhara,

via GSK Menon published on May 10, 2015

I was watching Surya TV Malayalam channel, when I saw a shocking title of a Christian Fellowship Centre program, which was titled “Amrithdhara” !

 Do these people have any belief in Amrithdhara ? What is Amrithdhara ?, Amrith is the nectar that emerged as a result of the churning of the Milky Ocean referred to in Hindu Scriptures. “Dhara” is the anointment from head to toe of Hindu deities in temples by different substances. Therefore “Amrithdhara” has nothing to do with foreign faiths and beliefs. Yet, the converts are forced to subscribe to doctrines, beliefs, customs and rituals which are anathema to the desert religion. Read the foreign scripture,  it starts with a stern warning by different desert tribal gods who admonish that they should not be worshiped in the Heathen/Pagan mannert . Yet, here we find evangelists forcing converts to use Hindu lamps, Dhwajastambham (which represents the Spine of the deity inside the sanctum sanctorum. These desert religions claim that they do not believe in idol worship, I want to know which desert god’s spine is now protruding in front of churches ? ).

This is what Obama and the Pope need to be told, Ghar Wapsi is a natural phenomenon caused by the deep disgust at having been tricked into accepting a foreign faith. Why worship fake foreigners ? if foreign gods are happy and overjoyed by Hindu customs & rituals, then it shows the superiority of Hinduism. What is wrong in falsely deluded converts wanting to correct their mistake and reverting to their ancient faith ? If Obama and the Pope comes to Kerala and sees the overpowering influence of Hindu rituals and customs in churches, I will not be surprised if they also opt for Hinduism.

Narendra Modi should invite Obama and the Pope to come and personally see how enamoured the converts are about Hinduism. The American Ambassador to India Mr.Richard Verma was talking to CNN IBN TV Channel about religious tolerance. He should come to Kerala and see for himself whether it is the Hindus who are forcing the converts to adopt Hindu practices ? I dare any christian padre or bishop to claim that it was the Hindus who forced them to adopt Hindu practices in their churches ?

Christian hypocrisy should stop, everybody can see through their fraudulent motives. At least Muslims are honorable in that sense, they never steal or borrow from other religions. They are firm in their beliefs and customs. Those who doubt their faith, use practices, icons, and rituals of other religions, they are the ones who are atheists and fence sitters. They are the one’s singing about the glory of Amrithdhara, the doubters, unbelievers and those unconvinced about the credentials of the desert god.

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