There is no such thing as a “Christian Yoga”

via GSK Menon published on December 10, 2010

There is no such thing as a “Christian Yoga”. Yoga is 100% Hindu in origin, content and goal. Since it became a very popular fad around the world, the Christians were feeling threatened that their religion would fade away. To circumvent extinction, a new term was invented called “Christian Yoga” ! There never can be a Christian Yoga or Muslim Yoga or Jewish Yoga for the simple reason that once you enter into the depths of Yoga, you are confronted with various deep philosophical concepts like Karma, Rebirth, Moksha etc etc. You need to migrate into an entirely new dimension of thought and philosophy.
All the above are alien to these desert religions. Christians have simply outsourced their sins  and consequent sufferings to the Jewish religious reformer called Christ. Their theory is that he died for the sins committed and to be committed by his followers. There is therefore no problem in sinning, one can keep sinning happily, as Christ is supposed to bear the burden of his followers sins. Hence there is no rebirth in Christianity. Keep sinning all the way to Heaven. There is a wastepaper basket called Christ into which all sins can be dumped.
That is why, orthodox Christians and Muslims refuse to follow Yoga. Yoga is purely Hindu.

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