The Rev. is “LYING” !!

via H Balakrishnan published on June 9, 2010

In the Article “Help us help them “,(Indian Express – 07 jun)  Rev.Dominic Emmanuel wrote :

” Why I still dare write it is because I know as well as they do that their allegations are not at all true. Rather than entering into a debate and reiterating what the missionaries have been saying ad nauseam that the RSS and its front organisations — many of them involved in Kandhamal-type violence — need not worry about the work of Christians as three consecutive censuses in India have clearly registered a slow but sure decline in the Christian community’s numbers here. Nor is there a single case proved so far of any conversion that goes contrary to the provisions of the Constitution.”


The Rev. is “LYING” !!

In a “REVEALING” Article published in the popular website ‘vijayvaani’, on 22 Sep 2008, and entitled : “  Conversions: Faith in the closet “, Dr. Shreerang Godbole wrote :

” Post-Kandhamal, post-Mangalore, the issue of conversions has taken centre-stage.  “Christians are a persecuted, hapless minority”; “How can a minority that accounts for less than 2.5% of the population pose a threat to the 84% Hindus of the country?” is the general refrain. “If Christian missionaries had been indulging in large-scale conversions, how has the Christian percentage remained virtually static in the last two censuses” is the seemingly compelling argument “.

And the ANSWER.

” The answer becomes obvious when one takes the trouble of studying Christian strategy and statistics – statistics provided by authoritative mission documents. Every year Christian churches spend billions of dollars to maintain a head-count of their flock. This aids the massive evangelistic enterprise of global Christianity. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity, at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton , Massachusetts , brings out the World Christian Encyclopedia (Oxford University Press, 1982; 2d ed., 2001) and World Christian Trends (William Carey Library, 2001).

In addition, an annual update of many of the statistics in this report is produced every January in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research. The 2001 report states that of the estimated 1.88 billion professing Christians worldwide, an estimated 124 million or 6.2% are crypto-Christians or those who conceal their faith. We need not swallow everything churned out by this seminary. As the report itself notes, “Christian triumphalism – not as pride in huge numbers, but as publicized self-congratulation – is rampant in most churches, agencies, and ministries… some 250 of the 300 largest international Christian organizations regularly mislead the Christian public by publishing demonstrably incorrect or falsified progress statistics.” Nevertheless, there is no doubt that a significant number of Christians worldwide keep their faith in the closet.

Concealing one’s faith – and double-crossing one’s pre-Christian faith – has a hoary Biblical tradition. In the Gospel of John, we come across a character called Nicodemus who was a ‘closet disciple’ of Jesus Christ. Nicodemus was a Pharisee (a group of Jews whom the New Testament typically depicts as being self-righteous and arrogant because of their disbelief) and a member of the Sanhedrin or the Supreme Court of the ancient Jews which tried and found Jesus guilty. Without renouncing his Judaism explicitly, Nicodemus had met Jesus at night and subsequently took care of his corpse.    

In later centuries, Christians have taken recourse to subterfuge to practice their faith. When Francis Xavier brought Roman Catholicism to Japan in 1549, most of the inhabitants of Ikitsuki Island left Buddhism and became Christians. Recognizing the threat that Christianity posed to Japan and her traditions, Hideyoshi and the other shogun all but stamped out Christianity. Adopting a complex sham, the Christians of Ikitsuki worshipped publicly at Buddhist temples, and then slipped away at night to hold secret Christian prayer meetings. At home, they prayed overtly before Buddhist and Shinto altars, but their real altar became the nan do garni (closet god), innocuous-looking bundles of cloth in which Christian statues and medallions were hidden “.

And, the FIGURES for INDIA?

” The existence, indeed proliferation, of crypto-Christians in India is a fact acknowledged by the Church. The World Christian Trends (2001) has placed the number of persons affiliated to the Church in India at 62243546 or 6.1%. In short, the number of Christians in India is nearly thrice the official census figure! The document places the share of crypto-Christians in the total Christian population at a staggering 62%!

In 2002, the American mission agency Global Mapping International asked Patrick Johnstone, author of Operation World, a prayer handbook which documents demographics and mission activity in many countries, to list the seven most encouraging trends of the 1990’s. “The astonishing and mostly undocumented growth of the church in India – the official numbers (2.34% Christians in 1991) are far lower than the truth, deliberately hiding the true extent of Christianity in the nation. The true figures are certainly far more than double, and look like only the beginning. The ‘untouchable’ Dalits have started leaving Hinduism, which could lead to an immense growth of Indian churches” was Johnstone’s gleeful reply.

So why do so many Christians in India conceal their faith, given that the rulers are Christian-friendly? The present Constitutional provision that limits the benefits available to Scheduled Castes only to Hindus (including Sikhs and Buddhists) is a major hurdle. This has created a peculiar breed of Christians with dual identity. They attend the Church but are identified by their Hindu names and castes in the Government records.

Please read the full Article at :


Rev Dominic Emmanuel also wrote : ” Nor is there a single case proved so far of any conversion that goes contrary to the provisions of the Constitution.”

Here it is !!


 The secular English media, as well as the Minorities  Commission projected Staines as a devoted social worker. They had focused on his exemplary work for leprosy patients. In its report sent to the Justice Wadhwa Commission of Inquiry, the Minorities Commission had declared that Staines and his family had not been involved in preaching Christianity leading to conversions in Manoharpur , Orissa.

 Findings of Justice Wadhwa Commission :   On the basis of evidence submitted, the Commission concluded : “ Besides his involvement with Leprosy House, Staines was also involved in missionary work. The missionary work of Staines has come to light from the various despatches sent by him to Australia, which are published in the newsletter – TIDINGS. Staines also used to take part in baptism ceremonies although he may not have carried out baptism himself. – – – -. However, it is the dispatches sent by Staines to Australia in the newsletter TIDINGS that make it clear that Staines was also involved in active propogation of his religion apart from his social work. It is also clear from the said dispatches that conversions were taking place in jungle camps. The missionary work of Staines obviously included organizing and conducting jungle camps, translating the Bible in tribal languages, preaching of the Bible to the tribals. – – – -. His missionary activities did lead to conversions of tribals to his faith.”

Here are just two examples of the despatches  filed by Staines for the newsletter ‘TIDINGS’ .

Graham and Gladys Staines, Mayurbhanj, 23 July, 1997:  Praise God for answered prayer in the recent Jagannath car festival at Baripada. A good team of preachers came from the
village churches and four OM workers helped in the second part of the festival. There were record book sales, so a lot of literature has gone into people’s hand – – -. [ OM is a carefully chosen acronym : the organization it signifies is actually one of the largest
publishers and distributors of missionary literature, and has its offices in Carlisle, Cumbria, United Kingdom!!]
Graham and Gladys Staines, Mayurbhanj, 20 March 1998:   – – – Over the next two months there will be a programme of baptism in nearby villages for those asking for them. These
are times for witness to non-Christians too – – -“.
( REF:  “HARVESTING OUR SOULS” – Arun Shourie, Rupa & Co)

Law of the Land:  In the Rev. Stainislaus vs Stae of Madhya Pradesh , AIR 1977 SC 908 , a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, in an unanimous judgment held : “  – – – We
find no justification for the view that it [ Article 25(1) of the Constitution] grants a fundamental right to convert persons to one’s own religion. It has to be appreciated that the freedom of religion enshrined in the Article is not guaranteed in respect of one religion only, but covers all religions alike, and it can be properly enjoyed by a person if he exercises his right in a manner commensurate with the like freedom of persons following the other religions. What is freedom to one, is freedom for the other, in equal measure, and there can, therefore, be no such thing as fundamental right to convert any person to one’s own religion”.

 And, are we all not aware of the modus operandi in the ‘Harvesting of Souls’? There are enough and more of open source publications available to prove this aspect. What Mark Tully , the former BBC station chief in India terms as “Powder Milk Christians”, in his book “No Full Stops in India”.

However, of far greater importance is the fact that Staines, as a foreigner and therefore on a visitor’s visa, was engaged in evangelical work which is expressly forbidden. Thus, to put it bluntly – he was a ‘law-breaker’ of Indian Law!!

What says Rev. Dominic Emmanuel ?


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