The process of culture incultration explained. (e.g.,Jesus in Yogic posture)

via Anonymous published on January 29, 2007

I am very pleased to see that Hindu Jagruti(Jesus in ‘yogic posture’ & Chant echoing ‘Vedic mantra’) has reported on the Jesus “idol” in Yogic posture and the travesty of “om yeshu christave namaha”. It has rightfully identified it to be an initial step in the process of culture incultration. I am enlcosing below excerpts from an Official Vatican communication that explains this slightly better,in the context of their approach to evangelizing Gypsies.

Source: Fides News Service (Jan 19,2007) Note: Anyone may use freely material published by Fides Service – on the condition that you quote Fides Service as the source

Quote 1: “…the process of inculturation, understood as being the incarnation of the Gospel within cultures, together with the introduction of the life of the Church so that they may fully participate in ecclesial life…

Comment – note the choice of words ‘incarnation of the Gospel within cultures’ – so now Bible will have characters called Keshava, Madhava, Narayana, Govinda, etc.? – this is a fine example of prostitution, much like how some nightclubs for cross-dressers call them “gender illusionists”.

Quote 2:”…Pilgrimages and meeting opportunities must be promoted in order to dispel the still too common image that the Church is for gagé and that it is necessary to renounce one’s Gypsy identity to be a “good Christian”.”

Comment: This clearly marks out their true goal,namely to make people feel at ease with mantras like “om yeshu….” so that they do not feel a loss of identity from their current worship or ritual
practices and come to embrace and accept these travesties more readily without noticing the real intent underlying such dangers.



Would it be possible to raise this stink to a national level by filing a case in a court of law seeking protection of cultural uniqueness, lest we be overrun by such missionary fancies?


I don’t know how this would work, but it would surely set a landmark
precedent for a culture in taking definitive steps to protect its indigineous identity rather than be bastardized by outside intruders, and also help dispel the myth that somehow “Saint” Thomas arrived in India with the gospel making Christianity an local religion and such nonsense. What next, Jesus in the dancing Shiva Thandavam pose?

What people fail to realize is that the Bible is the biggest industry in the world, and the more the converts, the more the sales….

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