The Jihadi Terror Masters of Kerala

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on December 20, 2009

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the ideological, financial and training center of the global Islamic terrorism. Now Dubai has joined the terrorists club. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Al-Qaeda, and Laskhar-e-Thoiba use Dubai for financing, recruiting and deploying Jihadi terrorists against India. The Saudi Ministries of Islamic affairs Budgets billions of dollars for disseminating the “Word of Allah” throughout the world. The Saudi Religious Affairs Ministry finances thousands of Mosques in Kerala and different parts of India. The Islamic goal is to abolish Indian Hindu culture and secular ethos and replace it with Islamo fascism.

Thousands of Muslims from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Somalia, and Sri Lanka as are working in Dubai as laborers. They work below poverty level salaries and live in filthy labor camps. Pakistan Jihadi recruiting agents and ISI target Muslims from Kerala with financial largesse. Recruited Muslims are sent to Pakistan for further indoctrination, and Jihad terrorism training. Pakistan trained Jihadis have penetrated every state in India. They have established a vast network of Jihadis and additional training centers in different parts of India.

Dubai based Muslims businessmen use a complex financial money laundering web to provide infrastructure and financial support for the Islamic terror groups in Kerala.

Now, Kerala, the land of Sankaracharya has become a Jihadi Terror Center of India. Jihadis are running around with bombs and explosives targeting innocent people at will. Muslims in Kerala receive financial largesse from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and from Kerala Muslims settled in Dubai. They have established a vast and complex financial, religious, media, and educational networks in Kerala to propagate Islamic extremism and Jihadist interests. Through numerous charitable organizations, business houses, news papers and television, Jihadis have successfully recruited thousands of terrorists for the Islamic Jihad against India.

“THEJAS”, a Jihadi owned daily in Malayalam receives enormous amounts from Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Iran and Pakistan. “Thejas” Is in the forefront in supporting Islamic terrorism against India. It is the mouth piece for SIMI, PDP and NDF. These organizations are declared as terror outfits by security agencies. It’s most dangerous effect being its cultural, political, and intellectual influence in various fields.

Recent arrest of Soofia Madany, Thadianteavide Nassir, Umar Forooqi, Halim, Majeed Parambil, Tajudeen, Sabeer and Shuhoe and several Jihadi terrorists reveal a complex system of material support they have received from Pakistan and Dubai.  Jihadi terrorist groups pay through “Thejas” daily for Marxist intellectuals, phony social leaders, fake Human Rights groups for drafting and placing Op-Ed pieces, conducting outreach events, organizing press conferences, and arranging political party leaders visit to Dubai.

PDP leader Abdul Nasser Madany who was implicated in Coimbatore bomb blast where 93 people were killed has defined their goal in one of his speech. The mischievous orator stated “There was no way that Islamic society could compromise with Hindutva”. “Islam would prevail in India”.  “There is no middle ground”. As a consequence he echoed Al-Qaeda in believing that only by purging secular influences and returning to “true Islam” could the Islamic world ever recover its past glory. His views and attitudes towards the Marxists are known as well. Yet the Marxist party made an unholy alliance with Jihadi Madany and his Islamic party PDP.  His wife Soofia Madany is now implicated in Kalamessari Bus burning, Ernakulum, Kozhikode and Bangalore explosions and several bombing and arson cases.

For several years, the Congress government and the Marxist government have showed absolutely no desire for the investigation of several Jihadi bombing in Kerala. When Madany was arrested and handed over to Tamil Nadu for Coimbatore bomb case, by the Marxist Chief Minister Nayannar, Jihadis have hatched a plan to murder Nayanar. The Marxist and the Congress government refused to arrest and prosecute Jihadis for the murder plan. The Congress and the Marxist governments stalled the investigation. The Jihadis were whisked out of the country before they could be arrested. The Marxist government contented that their whereabouts are unknown.

Later in December 2009, Thadiantaveede Nassir was quickly whisked out of Bangladesh where he was planning bombing against American and Indian Embassies in Bangladesh.  He revealed several Jihadis involvement in Kalamassery Bus hijacking and burning, Kzhikode bomb blast, Ernakulum Explosion, Bombing in Bangalore and Mangalore. Most security and terror experts agree that the indifferent attitude of the Marxist government and the pro- jihadi policies of the Italian Sonia government helped to furnish the stage set for the Mumbai Jihadi massacre.

Islamic religious leaders who actively oppose Islamic extremists risk their lives. Witness the murder of Chekannur Maulavi and the lack of credible investigation of his murder.


There is a grand alliance among the Marxist party, Jihadis and phony intellectuals and bogus secular activists. The Marxist government has allocated thousands of hectors of land for an Islamic University in Mallappuram. An Islamic Bank in Kerala is on its way. Government fiancés Islamic centers, Muslim academicians and the government also increased Hajj subsidy.

Financial experts suggest that vast sums of Pakistan printed counterfeit Indian currency have been found their way into Mosques, Islamic centers, real estate and Muslims businesses. The implications of this enormous amount of counterfeit Indian currency distribution are frightening. The Marxist and the Congress government authorities aided and abetted these Jihadi culprits in their crime.

But it was only in the arrest of Tahadiantavide Nassir and the BJP ruled Karnataka police began prying into the web of terrorist bombing of Bangalore, the magnitude of Jihadi terrorism is recognized. With the money flowing in from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Dubai, one can expect more Jihadi terrorism in Kerala. Jihad war is an Islamic enterprise that will be always be with us. For Muslims, Jihad war is constant and it will not change. Its methods and delivery systems are changing. From Islamic swords and clubs now Jihadist have changed their methods to plane hijacking, bus burning, pipe bombing, “Love Jihad”, chemical Jihad, cyber Jihad, and kidnapping.

There is a vast Jihad support network in Kerala. Since the Marxist government and secular political parties are sleeping with Jihadist and the government provides support services, special reservation, free college education, many of the Muslims have little motivation to live peacefully with the majority.

Soon the Marxist government and the congress party will discover that the Jihad demands they have nurtured would haunt them. Since the High Court has made several comments on terrorism and Love Jihad, the Marxist government find themselves in a dangerous paradox. Although Chief Minister Achuthanandan has come to understand the need to sever all connections to Jihad terror groups, he stands alone in their own pro Jihad party.

Now the Marxist government has arrested Soofia Madany, the ring leader in several Jihadi terror incidents in Kerala and Karnataka. Nevertheless, the Marxist government has much to answer in their delay in investigating and arresting dangerous Jihadi terrorists. The Marxists and the Congress party and pseudo secular elites have created the monster of Jihadism in Kerala and exported to neighboring states. Now the monster has grown in enormous size and the general public is in danger.

In addition to these new developments, there are additional ineptitudes of the Marxist government. One of these is the Marxist government’s tendency to limit police investigation. Even more importantly, the Marxist government sympathizes with them and takes psychological comfort in letting Jihad criminals escape to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Dubai.

In sum, there will be additional terrorist attacks in Kerala is a virtual certainty. The general public wants to enjoy life and retreat into private life, drink hot tea and watch television. They are taught to believe that the government can do marvelous things, provide safety and security to the public in countless and unlimited ways. It is time of that to stop, and there are several ways the peace loving majority has to take. First democracy does not mean only to participate in voting. They have to be active, rise up and challenge the despotic Marxist government colluding with criminals. Second thing is longer term, but equally vital. Be active in politics and elect only leaders with nationalist interest and proven track record. In doing so, we must remember, we are choosing our future.

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