The edit writers at TNIE can be ‘Likened to the Bourbons !!

via H Balakrishnan published on August 26, 2010

Dear Sir,

It is said that the Bourbons ‘ never learnt any lessons from History ‘.  A similar parallel can be drawn with respect to your paper’s editorial team !!  Here’s why.

On 23 Aug 2010, your paper had carried an editorial entitled – ” India’s chance to do more “. You waxed ‘ secular ‘ eloquence -  ” As the swirling waters keep rising, the misery of the poor Pakistani, caught between a natural calamity and a catastrophic lack of governance, increases apace. And the ordeal is not yet over. Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that the country has received commitments and pledges of over $800 million, with over $150 million coming from the United States alone. And India’s contribution? After some thought, it offered $5 million, and after a week’s thought Pakistan grudgingly accepted it. To put it in perspective, Denmark has pledged nearly $10 million, Australia about $9 million. India’s response is modest in comparison. As neighbour, emerging economic giant or aspirant.”

You concluded by stating ” But this country can, if it gets the chance. That is why this is not a time to calculate political gain or cost. In the pursuit of peace New Delhi has displayed a willingness to be repeatedly humiliated. This is a far worthier cause, and an occasion for greater generosity of spirit and purse. It is a time to give, ten times five million, if not more, without worrying about recognition for a good deed. We should be better than this, indeed we are better than this. Reaching out is the neighbourly thing to do; it is no more than acting upon the more generous of our natural impulses.”

A case of ‘more loyal than the Mahatma’?

And, Pakistan has reciprocated with great magnanimity and HUMILITY, in the ONLY WAY, IT KNOWS !!

All the mainstream English dailies of our country, SANS ONE DAILY,  carried a news report in their editions of 25 Aug 2010, which stated (in common) : ” Pak not to grant relief
work visas to Indians and Israelis “. The reports in all the dailies stated, amongst others : ” ISLAMABAD: India and Israel are the only two countries whose aid workers will not be granted special visas by Pakistan to join relief efforts for the millions of people affected by the country’s worst floods. Following a suggestion from Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi for easing visa regulations for foreign aid workers, the Interior  Ministry decided to issue three-month “relief work” visas for those coming to Pakistan to join relief operations. A letter sent by the Interior Ministry to the Foreign Office made it clear that this special facility will not be available to Indian and Israeli nationals.  The Foreign Ministry was also asked to circulate the letter to all Pakistani missions abroad. According to a standard operating procedure approved by the government, Pakistan  missions will grant three-month visas to aid workers joining the large-scale rescue and  relief operations across the country.”

The one daily that decided to turn a Nelsonian Eye to this important news was – OF COURSE  – THE NEW ‘ SECULAR ‘ EXPRESS,  CHENNAI !! My compliments Sir, in reinforcing your ‘secular  credentials’!! Was it an ‘ inadvertant act of ommission ‘,  OR , is there something more than  meets the eye? !! Of course, we are SECULAR, STUPID !! JAI HO !!


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