The Conversion Agenda

published on December 31, 2014

Whenever the Hindus are converted it is not matter of hue and cry but when these converts return to the Hindu fold the anti-Hindu forces putting on the masque of secularism stage their hara-kiri. It is interesting that these forces clamour for stopping conversion but are understandably not prepared to bring in non-conversion legislation since they know that any ban on conversation done through force or financial allurement would prove inconvenient to their proselytising work.

History, especially of India, is replete with instances of Islam and Christianity mass-converting people they disparaged pagan with force, terror and money. Books unnumbered zero in on this.

Sardar K. M. Panikkar thus writes on the heinous iconoclasm the Portuguese unleashed in South India:

In 1543 Goa was made a Bishopric with authority extending over the entire Far East. Special instructions were issued to the Portuguese Viceroy to root out the infidels. Hindu temples in Goa were destroyed and their property distributed to religious orders (like the Franciscans) in 1540. (Asia and Western Dominance, Somayya Publications, Mumbai, 1999, p. 280) Panikkar refers to the heinous writ of King Joao III which ran ruthless on the disunited and helpless Hindus. Joao wrote to his officials in India:  “The great concernment which lies upon Christian princes to look to matters of Faith and to employ their forces for its preservation makes me advise you how sensible I am that not only in many parts of India under our subjection but in our city of Goa, idols are worshipped, places in which our Faith may be more reasonably expected to flourish; and being well informed with how much liberty they celebrated heathenish festivals WE command you to discover by diligent officers all the idols and to demolish and break them up in pieces where they are found, proclaiming severe punishments against anyone who shall dare to work, cast, make in sculpture, engrave, paint or bring to light any figure of an idol in metal, brass, wood, plaster or any other matter, or bring them from other places; and against who publicly or privately celebrated any of their sports, keep by them any heathenish frankincense or assist and hide the Brahmins, the sworn enemies of the Christian profession … It is our pleasure that you punish them with the severity of the Law without admitting any appeal or dispensation in the least”. (Malabar and the Portuguese, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1977.)

This idol breaking spree of the Christian missionaries in India is further attested by St. Francis Xavier who wrote:  Following the baptism, the new Christians return to their homes and come back with their wives and families to be in their turn also prepared for baptism. After all have been baptized, I order that everywhere the temples of the false gods be pulled down and all idols be broken. I know not how to describe in words the joy I feel before this spectacle of pulling down and destroying the Idols by the very people who formerly worshipped them. (Letter dated 8 February 1545. H. J. Colridge, Life and Letters of Francis Xavier, London, 1861, Vol. I, p. 10) These are only a few instances of forced conversions which if put together would suffice for volumes, H. H. Meyers’ The Inquisitive Christians, B. Penrose’s Goa, Queen of the East and Priolkar’s The Goa Inquisition being only a few.

     This being historical truths none can deny the gravity of Christian, and Muslim conversions as it happened in Sultans’, Mughals’ or Tipu’s times.  But the controversy the proselytising forces now rake up is so much as to outfit a magician’s wand with the aggressor masquerading as the aggrieved. It is not too long ago that the Chennai Archbishop lambasted the anti-conversion legislation of the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Miss Jayalalita which the former said would be retaliated with the church stopping charitable services. That the Christian missionaries would stop care the destitute in their orphanages or give education (that too, a full-blooded western education that runs in contrast to India’s national ethos!) to the backward classes was what the Archbishop’s thoughtless but venomous outpouring meant. They would serve the destitute and educate the backward people only if they get these helpless ones into Christianity and are allowed to further proselytising!

      This bigotry in fact has been getting muscle and money support from the West, especially the US, avowed to convert India into its colonial stronghold. The US military as well known has four wings, army, navy, air force and the church, all pooling their effort to colonise other nations. The speech of Barbara Boxer, former Chairperson of US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the need of sponsoring the cause of Greater Nagaland which if realised would be a US’ base of operation in an area all surrounded by non-Christian nations was glaring. Boxer’s revelation that American missionaries who were in the North-East Hill area since 1839 influenced the Greater Nagaland movement well exposed the proselytising-colonising collusion. (Times of India report 4. 10. 2003)

This could well be set against the backdrop of the brutal killing of Swami Lakshmananda by the Maoists, an incident which as a known Christian writer and politician wrote sourced off the Maoist wrath against the saint’s anti-conversion stand which that writer too appears to have been averse to.  A recent slogan that the Maos would retaliate if the Kerala Government would not favourably address the demands of Dalit activist C. K. Janu is equally ominous. All these clarifies that the Maos are the paws of some mewing cats scratching and bleeding our society with some hidden agenda.

The dastardly massacre of the innocent people in Assam by Bodo terrorists, all the massacres that have been taking place in different places in the North-east India and the isolated incidents of attack in some areas of North Kerala cannot be read separately. Maoism and the some Dalit movements appear to be closely interlinked and the hide and seek of some missionaries regarding this make the matter more clear. One may be astonished to know that the Dalits work in collaboration with the US high executives, US based Christian institutions like Dalit Freedom Network (DFN), Operation Mobilization and Dr Joseph D’souza’s All India Christian Council and some Christian denominations in India. The DFN workers position themselves as Hindu untouchables and attack the Indian culture, infiltrate the US Government and bring speakers and activists from India to testify before the US Government, policy think-tanks and the Churches with the explicit goal of promoting US intervention in India. Interesting it is that specially honoured at one of its recent rallies were evangelists with foreign affiliation, Joseph D’souza and K. P. Yohannan. Very much mysterious are the undercurrents!

* Author is Vice-President (Kerala Unit), College Adhyapaka Sangham.                     

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