The communist noise machine

via HK Correspondent published on February 2, 2006

The leftover Leftist in India seems to be running haywire. Not knowing where to lead its flock they seem to be running into brick wall at every turn.


And every time they hit that hard wall they bring about a new issue. But true to the character they have proved to be a much more efficient noise makers than any one could ever imagine. They know for sure that they could never make a third front against the Congress and the BJP. But by their actions and counter actions they have almost made sure that any election from now would always see a red presence in the government.


The Iran nuclear issue at the UN is forcing the Left in a big fix. Their dilemma is to support the government of India or not to. Coming days will see the roaring lion turning itself into a mouse. The ever vocal leaders of the red conglomeration or the Communist Corporation will slowly bring up other issues to hide their failures. Since most of their support base happens to be the working class who are not bothered about international politics, this wouldn’t affect their image.


The Leftist noise machine seems to be turning over a new chapter at every step. The poor people’s saviour has started forming big corporations in the media and hospital industry. They came to power in Kerala with their grass root support. The grass root was promised heaven on earth, but they see only poverty and misery. Unfortunately every five years, the workers see through this and throw them out. The once straight forward and hard working comrades are now being entangled in conspiracies and corruptions. The big companies like Kairali that has been established collecting money from these poor workers, but the big investors are grabbing the profits. But is the poor man getting his share of the investment? Would they get their share out of the mighty water parks being built? A few years ago the Left in Kerala protested on the streets regarding the ADB issue. They did not want the ADB to have a say in the planning as it constituted to the involvement of the west in interfering in state planning. Today, the very company is being granted permission in Left ruled corporations to be part of the planning activities and they have no problem in accepting funds from the ADB.


The Left parties in Bengal which claims to be the heart and soul of the Left organization today is inviting bourgeois and capitalist to invest in Bengal. Their brothers in arms in China are today a fast progressing country with big food chains and investors pouring in millions of dollars. The generals have grown fat yet their communist peasants are dying of hunger.  When the CPM in Kerala came out strongly against the UDF in the case of the software park in Cochin, the UDF brought the SNC Lavlin case and now both fronts won’t talk about these issues. Either the people of Kerala have become ignorant or have hardened their senses to games created by political noise machines. The left ideology which once called religion as the opium of the masses seems to be getting closer and closer to religion. 


Communists are told that religion and atheism can never mix.  But they have no problem in supporting Jiahdis and Christian fundamentalists. Today the communists are all out to bring a bill in parliament to save the terrorists Madani. It is like opening a can of worms. The left front has been no strange bed partners to communal organizations like The Muslim League. The bill to protect Madani is strangely coming in unison from the left front and the congress in Kerala.


The Hindus in Kerala are still not aware of the noise machine and their ball game.  The Narendran Commission hangs over our heads like a sword. It is a clear weapon to divide the Hindus along caste lines. Almost all property in North Kerala like Nilambur is solely owned by Muslim individuals. Acres and acres of land are owned by Christian families in mid Kerala. Why is the left front that brought  communism to Kerala with the dream of land for the tillers not fighting these fascist forces? Or is it that capitalism, imperialism and fascism apply only to the Hindu community of Kerala? Most of the big Hindu tharavds in South and central Kerala got completely destroyed by the Land Reform Act and the Abolition of the Joint family System. But interestingly those remaining are the families of North Kerala (where communism was its peak). One wouldn’t be surprised if it was EMS, a lawyer himself, who gave them the loopholes in the law.


Intelligence reports at various stages have pointed to villages and areas in costal Kerala being the converted to hubs of the minority communities. There are places in Kerala like the Green City in Manjeri where even the local police won’t dare to enter. Why is the LDF silent about this? The LDF volunteers who are ready to pick a fight at the drop of a coin seem to be ignorant on these aspects. Is it because this is not taught in the study classes or in their now infamous libraries?


The Left in India has moved away from the communist ideology of Marx. The communist party is now only a noise machine shouting and screaming on silly non issues. While leftist limestone bosses are enjoying the fruits of capitalism, the poor comrades are destined to follow the noise machine shouting and screaming meaningless and empty slogans.

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