The Communist, Atheist Minister for Temple Affairs

published on April 20, 2007

Dr.TS Girishkumar


What is more anachronistic and idiotic for the state of Kerala than having a Minister for Temple affairs, who is an atheist, a communist, and an established anti-Hindu?  Shri. G Sudhakaran, the Devaswom Minister, did not even assume office upon a pledge which is normally taken  “in the name of God”, and on the contrary, he took oath as a Minister in the name of the “Communist Martyrs”!



We had been witnessing the Minister with his rhetoric, which used to be entertaining and amusing often. His present rhetoric amounts to the Guruvayoor temple, and the issue concerning Singer Celebrity KJ Yesudas, who was not allowed to enter the temple by the temple authorities since they had been keeping the temple exclusively for born Hindus. This is one of the specialities with the temple of Guruvayoor , the temple authority is very strict on it till date, and they permit only a born Hindu to enter the temple. But there had been violations to this rule, there was an instance of the Srilankan Prime minister entering the temple, he was permitted since he was a born Buddhist, an extension of the Hindu Dharma, but the temple did not know that his wife who accompanied him was a Christian. The Prime Minister also did not know that only born Hindus are permitted, and when this issue came up, he felt sorry for the mistake done by his wife, unknowingly. The present Union Minister, Vayalar Ravi also had to face the stiff temple rule, when he wanted the Annaprasan of his grand son done there. Ravi ’s wife is a Christian, and on account of that, he also had to face the music.



Now the Devaswom Minister Writes a letter to the Temple authority to permit KJ Yesudas ion the temple, suddenly out from the blue. Previously, if one can recall, it is the same Minister who wanted to permit women in the Sabarimala temple also. On hearing the letter story of Sudhakaran, Yesudas instantly washes his hands off, he says that only for him there should be no change in the temple norms, and if it is made general, then he will enter the temple.



But Sudhakaran is not going to budge. He stands for the substructure of the society, the sweating and working class. (Now a days the sweating and working class are no longer sweating and working, they had long learned to be parasites on the bourgeoisies). He stands for equality and equity. Thus he writes a letter in his official capacity as the minister of Temple affairs to the Guruvayoor Devaswom to allow people into temple, and change the laws, implicitly. Well this the communist principle and enthusiasm, the ardent effort of a Minister to do ‘justice’ to the people who voted him into power.



But then, all these “parakramas” are only to the Hindus and Hindu places of worshipping, be it Sabarimala, or Guruvayoor. Indeed, it is all because the Hindus do not realise that all deities of their worship also carry weapons in their hands to fight evil. But Kerala Hindus are self-negating and self-centred, what can be done? The government is controlling temples, and taking the income for granted. None of the Mosques or Churches fall under the governments scrutiny, and the Minister has no say ion the affairs of both Churches and Mosques. The Muslims do not permit non-Muslims even to step inside the city of Mecca , leave alone visiting Kaba. Why is the minister not writing a letter to the Saudi King, asking him to at least allow taxi permits to non-Muslims to run taxis into Mecca with pilgrims from other areas? Why is he not intervening in the Abhaya case? Here our Communist Minister is a chicken: he doesn’t want to speak either about the Muslims or about the Christians. Indeed, the Communists are afraid of both the Christians and the Muslims, they had already burnt their hands at them through the land legislations of the old. Thus all “Parakramas” gets confined to the Hindu fold, for which, the Hindus are only responsible.



A temple ought to be autonomous. On the first place, it had been a grave mistake to bring important and rich temples under the control of the government through a board, in which the membership became so coveted that people are dying to become members to steal money. On top of this, it is another stupidity to make a minister who is an atheist as the Minister for temple affairs. And now this person is taking the Hindus for a ride. Don’t be surprised if a Muslim shall become Devaswom minister in the days to come. And the sleeping beauty, the Hindu shall go on sleeping. The ardent call from Swami Vivekananda to rise and awake had fallen in deaf ears of Kerala Hindus? Had he wasted his tie and energy meditating on the Vivekananda rock? Is Hindutva the job earmarked only for the RSS? A common Hindu has nothing to do with it? A Hindu has no self esteem? Hindus want to relax in their so called comforts, while the Swayam Sevaks sacrifice their very lives for the cause of Hindutva and Indian Nation? For the common Kerala Hindu, it is all left for the RSS and VHP etc. to do the dirty works, while they are wishing to be ‘secular’ in the Communist and Muslim ways. Are we to conclude that both Chanakya and Vivekananda failed to awake the Kerala Hindus through their repeated calls of Uttishtata, Jagrata, and Prapyavarannibodhita? Indeed this is disgusting and disheartening…………

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