Terrorism and Fundie Christianity

via Narendran published on October 19, 2009

When was it the last time you read or heard from the media in India (there no such thing like ‘Indian media’) that the terrorists in India’s north-east are FUNDIE CHRISTIANS? I am absolutely certain that you never have had such an occasion in your life. At the same time we all know and the entire world knows along with us that these terrorist acts are the handiworks of the fundie Christians, and of on one’s else. (It does not mean they are not responsible for other unsolved terrorist acts in other parts of India).

Is it not very surprising then that the media which has always avoided or has always been avoiding to mention the word ‘Christian’ in their columns or newscasts when reporting about north east terror events in rare occasions when they are not in a position to hide or obfuscate them, should cast aspersions on Hindus and Muslims even in cases whose involvement is only conjuncture? One of the main stories in Indian express front page today was about involvement of ‘HINDU” group in Goa blasts. Take it or leave it!

I have always held the view that to look for terrorism it is not necessary to look any where else but inside the compound walls where the Christian fundies in India congregate, congress and media headquarters included. We all know the fundie Christians’ agenda in India is not at all a secret – to claim it for Christianity It will be impossible to achieve that aim if peace prevails in India especially between the Hindus and Muslims. What better method is there to prevent it than to buy a few obliging Hindus and Muslims to accuse each other and splash it over the front pages and television screens, all the while keeping mum about the possibility of involvement of the Christian fundies?

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