Sree Padmanabha Swamy’s Wealth – Tom Dick and Harry queing up to offer advice

published on July 3, 2011

Thiruvananthapuram: Tom, Dick and Harry’s who never so far had shown any interest in Temple is now queuing up to offer their valuable advice on what should be done with the wealth of Lord Sri Padmanabha Swamy.

Few of the rantings are

V R Krishna Aiyer (Former Chief Justice ) – The Wealth should be used for poverty alleviation irrespective of Religion.
Sukumar Azheecode (Self appointed Intellectual)- No role for the opinion of devotees here, The wealth is of the Nation. He also want similar sort of operation in all prominent Hindu temples including Guruvayur
P Govinda Pillai (Communist Idealogue) – Utilize it for Education of all Religions
K N Pannickar (Leftist Historian)- Should transfer it to Museum
P.J.Cherian (Christian Historian) – It’s people’s wealth
U.Kalanathan (Rationalist) – Wealth not of Temple nor of Royal family
C V Anandabose(National Museum) – Should give the wealth to National Museum

Few Sensible Voices

Vellapalli Nateshan – Wealth is of Hindus , Hindus will decide what to do along with Royal family.
NSS – Belongs to Temple, Should be kept in Temple itself
BJP – Will stop if Government loot at any cost.

More and More Rationalists, Communists, Mullahs and Bishops will now come forward and will make sure within no time that this money which Lord Padmanabha safegaurded will be made vapours with few months. No one had so far opined that atleast a small portion be ear marked for the upkeeping of Temples which are in dilapidated condition or for protecting Sanatana Dharma from the external threats. 

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