Sinister Plan to Islamize Kerala

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on February 7, 2009

The greatest threat facing Kerala, the land of Parasuram, Sankaracharya, and Sri Narayana Guru today is Islamic expansionism.  For centuries, Muslims from the Middle East, the self-approved Islamic fanatics have been waging a Jihad war against Hindus in Kerala. Even before the Portuguese pirate Vasco De Gama reached Kozhikode, Arab Muslims have marched into Kerala for looting, sex escapade and coercive religious conversion. Most of the earlier Arab Muslims were small and fluid, appearing and disappearing, splintering, and reemerging in new Islamic disguises.  They were successful in settling in Malabar and forcefully converting few Hindus by the sword.

It was during the Islamic invasion of Hider Ali and Tip Sultan; Muslims were successful in forcefully converting large number of Hindus by the Islamic sword. They have destroyed most of the Hindu temples in Malabar, looted its wealth and slaughtered thousands of Hindus who have resisted fanatic Muslims.

Despite the growing ferocity and atrocity of the Jihadi violence against Hindus, the Marxist government in Kerala has created a separate Muslim majority district in Malabar. The Muslim majority district has enabled Muslims to gain political power and expand their influence. The Islamic population is expanding in all districts of Kerala.  It is reported that within the next ten years, Hindus will become a minority in Kerala.

In many ways, the most dangerous allies of Muslims in Kerala are the Marxists and the pseudo secular, anti national Congress party. It is the supporters and allies of fanatic Muslims who make it possible for Muslims to pose a serious threat to Hindus in Kerala. The Communists and the Congress party accept Jihadi expansionism, atrocity and belligerence. Democracy and traditional culture is weakened in Kerala by the steady increase of Islamic population.


Now reports have surfaced that the entire Muslim population from Maldives want to settle in Kerala. The Maldives will sink under water if the current pace of climate change keeps raising sea levels. The Maldives is an archipelago of almost 1,200 coral islands located south-South west of India. Most of the islands lie just 1.9 meters above the sea level. The U. N panel on climate change has forecast a rise in sea levels and the entire Maldives islands will be submerged under water.

Maldives wants to spend 1 billion a year to buy a new homeland for its Muslim population of 370,000. Maldives Muslims want to buy land in Kerala since Kerala has similar climate as Maldives.  It is reported that the President of Maldives Noshed has already received welcome sign from the Muslim League and Marxist leaders from Kerala. Maldives Muslims already have been buying land in prime locations of Kerala. Already rich Arabs and Jihadi drug lords as well as illegal Islamic money traders have invested heavily in real estate in secure beach fronts, urban centers and rural areas of Kerala posing a serious security threat to the nation.

Hindus from South India and Sri Lanka were the earliest settlers in Maldives. During the Mayryan Empire, Asoka the great expanded his regime to Maldives islands. The islands were full of Hindu temples.  Later, Maldives Hindus were converted to Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.

Islamic invaders during the 12th century have completely destroyed the entire Hindu Temples and Buddhist Pagodas, cultural institutions and forcefully converted the entire population into Islam. All temples were reconstructed as Mosques. Even today, many Mosques in Maldives face the Sun not in Mecca. During the 15th century the Portuguese, and the 16th century the Dutch, have invaded the islands.  In 1887, Maldives became a British protectorate and military base. The Maldives got independence in 1965 and became an Islamic Sultanate.
Maldives Muslims have been illegally settling in Kerala with the connivance of Islamic political leaders and the Marxist government. The sudden Islamic population explosion in Kerala will have disastrous consequences for the economy, the environment, and the democratic system.
Understanding of the threats and dangers posed by the sudden influx of Muslims from Maldives’ in Kerala and the dwindling resources is very important for our survival. Under the Marxist government, the quality of life has been eroding, and unemployment has been rising. If the Muslim migration from Maldives materializes, it may lead to the permanent destruction of Hindu culture in Kerala and the deterioration of quality of life. A rapid increase in the number of people will increase the prevailing levels of crime, pollution, and urban congestion. But a sharp increase in Islamic population will add to the intensity   of the problem and in the cultural disintegration of Kerala.

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