‘SICK-UL -AR -UDINS’ in Editorial board!!

via H Balakrishnan published on December 30, 2009

Dear Sir,

Reference your Editorial ” Issue needs broader outlook ” – (TNIE – 29 DDEC)

True to your ‘SICK’-UL-AR style you wrote: ” The lunatic fringe of Indian political opinion and social attitude is at it again. The RSS is now suggesting that the case for smaller states is a Muslim communal plot”. Bravo !! the ‘SICK-UL -AR -UDINS’ in your Editorial board!!

Be that as it may, your ‘pearl-of-sickular-wisdom’ reminded me of a quote attributable to the social scientist Ashis Nandy : ” The policies and actions of the Hindu nationalists may often have not been secular, but a part of their soul has always been. One example would be Nathuram Godse’s last testament in court, in which he repeatedly accuses Gandhi of flouting the canons of secular statecraft. The opponents of the Sangh Parivar, not finding any intellectually meaningful response to these anomalies, pretend as if they do not exist or paper them over with the help of trendy, imported theories of fundamentalism and religious extremism”.  A ‘Bulls Eye’, I hasten to add !!

The double standards of our sick-ul-ar’ newspapers like the TNIE are too well known. Lugubrious drivel passes for secular intellectualism!! Thus when a fellow journalist, M.J. Akbar On 15 Nov 2009, wrote in the Times of India an Article entitled: ” Why some political parties lost the plot “, there is no condemnation!! The obnoxious part of Akbar’s ‘secular prattle’ was : ” What the Muslims of UP are looking for, but have been unable to articulate, is a defined political space within which they can find food-and-faith security. Given the passions that such a demand could arouse, this quest might surface obliquely rather than directly. On the table is Ajit Singh’s dream of a Harit Desh in western UP. Such a state will have a substantive Muslim population, as well as a string of important Muslim educational institutions, from Aligarh to Deoband. It will become a natural socio-economic magnet for Muslims of the north. The idea is still in an embryonic stage. Whoever articulates it, will have rung a wake-up call.”


The fact of the matter is, MJ Akbar is already speaking of the next dimension of Muslim demands after the first repeat of communal division already under implementation. He has undoubtedly studied Jinnah and Partition of India in great detail. India’s leaders and media stars have either forgotten about it or have not bothered to read about it at all. In fact many want to pretend it never happened, because they do not know how to handle their vacuous notions of secularism with that reality in their face.

Such a sentiment had earlier been expressed by the ‘M.I.T. Librarian’ who passes as an ‘academic’ – Omar Khalidi!! He had advocated, in an interview with The Times of India, a reorganisation of the districts in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam to create “compact Muslim zones” where their culture and rights could be “safeguarded”. In other words, he’s playing ‘Pied Piper’ Allama Iqbal to a future Jinnah .Deafening silence from the English media – True to style !!

We are aware of the source of your ‘drivel’!! The journal ‘Organiser’, in its issue of 27 Dec 2009, had editorially commented: “We are not opposed to smaller states if that helps administrative cohesion, development work, political accountability and social equity. Religion or language should not become the basis for the creation of new provinces. Muslims see a great chance of domination in a new Harit Pradesh, they view it as a throwback to the Nizam days when they speak of Telangana. These have dangerous dimensions. That language is not a uniting factor is underlined by the numerous demands for the multiple divisions of states speaking the same language “. You pick ‘one sentence’ in the entire paragraph, and blow it up ‘secular style’!!

(REF: http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=323&page=3)

Prof.(Dr). K.D. Prithi Pal, Professor Emeritus, Professor of Comparirve Religion, University of Alberta, Canada, had stated :
” Muslims will ONLY live as an oppressive majority and a turbulent minority “. That this learned professor was ‘spot on’ in his assessment, was borne out recently, in a devastating Article by journalist B.R. Haran in a popular website, on 14 Nov 2009. Titled, rather aptly : ‘ Melvisharam: “Darul Islam” of Tamil Nadu”, he wrote:

” November 9, 2009 is a significant day in the religious, political and demographic history of India in general and Tamil Nadu in particular. The Supreme Court directed the Tamil Nadu government to consider within three months the representations filed by “Keel-visharam” (Lower Visharam) villagers for the de-merger of their Panchayat from the “Mel-visharam” (Upper Visharam) Panchayat of Vellore district and forward them to the Governor to act upon. The SC Bench comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and Justice P Sathasivam also directed the Tamil Nadu government to communicate the same to Janata Party president Dr. Subramaniam Swamy, a respondent in the case”.

Haran further educated readers : ” Visharam is a town in the ‘Arcot’ Assembly constituency in Vellore district. It has a considerable population of Muslims, who are largely concentrated in areas like Ambur, Vaniyambadi, Arcot and local Vellore as well. Initially, Visharam had two panchayats – Melvisharam dominated by Muslims and Keelvisharam dominated by Scheduled Castes (Adi Dravidas) and MBCs (Vanniyars). The panchayats were constituted in 1951. While Melvisharam had 17 wards, Keelvisharam had 4 wards. In 1996, the then DMK government, yielding to pressure of Melvisharam Muslims, merged Keelvisharam with it. Later in October 2004, the then AIADMK government upgraded Melvisharam as Grade-III Municipality. Later in August 2008, it was merged with Vellore Corporation”.

“Melvisharam being a predominantly Muslim town, the Urdu-speaking community was quite wealthy with an economy largely based on Tanneries, while the SCs and MBCs of Keelvisharam were dependent solely on agriculture in the water-starved region. The merger of Keelvisharam with Melvisharam has brought immense difficulties to its people, who were forced to approach the courts due to the total indifference and arrogance of successive governments, Dravidian parties and self-styled Dalit and Vanniyar leaders. Dr. Subramaniam Swamy took up their cause, and there is now hope for permanent relief to the hapless Hindus of Keelvisharam”.

Further. ” Only Urdu gets prominence in Melvisharam. In Municipal sessions, the Chairman and members discuss all issues only in Urdu. The Municipal Library contains only Urdu books, magazines and newspapers, and has very few Tamil newspapers, that too as a formality. The Muslim majority of Melvisharam speak Tamil only with strangers visiting the town. The only street with just 10 Hindu families is named “Tamil Street”! The names of all other streets and even the names of shops and other trade venues and business establishments are written only in Urdu”.

Haran further added : ” The New Indian Express reported on
10 November 2009 that all Muslim functionaries of the Panchayat have denied all administrative and developmental facilities and even basic amenities such as drinking water to the four wards where Hindus reside. Adding insult to injury, when Hindus demanded their rightful share, they were asked to convert to Islam. Muslims of Melvisharam have discriminated against Hindus of Rasathipuram by violating Article 15 (1) of the Constitution”

Haran concluded his damning expose : ” Melvisharam is not the only “Darul Islam” in Tamil Nadu. Dr. Swamy says there are forty panchayats across the state in similar conditions: “In TN there are 40 Town Panchayats with Muslim majority and the minority Hindus there are living with the same Hobson’s choice or Catch-22. Hence, Melvisharam was a test case. With the help of VHP, I shall now visit all 40 Town Panchayats from Melvisharam to Thondi (Ramnathapuram) and see that the minority Hindus get their due share and are not harassed for conversion of their faith to Islam. So this judgment will trigger similar demands in all 40 Panchayats and lead to state-wide Hindu consolidation. That is Karunanidhi’s nightmare” (the ruling DMK tends to discriminate against Hindus for minority votes)”

(REF: http://vijayvaani.com/FrmPublicDisplayArticle.aspx?id=931 )

Would the RSS then NOT be justified in their fears? After all, Telengana, is the old ‘Nizams State’. An ideal of ‘secularism’- our media would like us to believe? In any case, don’t the RSS have their democratic right to freely express their opinion – even if it is not in line with the PC SECULARISTS?

Your drivel reminded me of a hilarious quote by U.S. based political commentator, Diana West: ” Islam came from Venus and Jihad came from Mars “. How very true in the ‘Indian Secular Case’!! CHEERS !!


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