Shame on you – The New Secular Christian – Muslim Express

published on October 1, 2009



Dear Sir,

Ref. your Edit – ” Unable to silence the ‘Q’ gun”  – (TNIE-01 OCT)

An otherwise well written Edit, was RUINED by a needless reference to the Babri Masjid issue, when you concluded: ” Yet, for all these frenetic attempts to close the case, it is obvious that the scam will continue to be an albatross round the Congress’s neck just as the Babri Masjid demolition will haunt the BJP in the foreseeable future. Acts of felony and sacrilege never really fade away”.  BRAVO !! A ‘SECULAR’ DANIEL TO THE JUDGMENT !!

Writing in your sister publication, Indian Express of 09 Sep 2009,Prof. Dilip K Chakrabarti, Emeritus professor of South Asian archaeology, Cambridge University wrote:

The basic problem, however, lies elsewhere. There is a conscious attempt in certain quarters to disassociate this civilisation from the later mainstream tradition of Indian/ Vedic culture. Historically, the beginning of this attempt can be traced to the period around India’s Independence when Mortimer Wheeler proposed that the impetus for this civilisation came from Mesopotamia. Earlier, when India was a jewel in the British crown, there was no compulsion to depict it as an offshoot of Mesopotamian or other contemporary civilisations. The early excavators had no problem hypothesising that this civilisation was deeply rooted in the Indian soil and that many of its features could be explained with reference to the later Indian civilisation“.

Again. ” Notorious Hindu-baiters are aghast at the thought that anything related to Hinduism could occur in that civilisation, whereas the first excavators’ frame of reference for the study of the religion of this civilisation was Hinduism.”

That Sir, is the problem with your ‘secular’ Edit writers!! We are too well aware of this SECULAR FACT!! Filibustering and sleights of hand were the order of the day on the part of the ‘secularists’ – the English media (your paper also) included in reporting the Babri Masjid affair!! An example of the filibustering indulged in by the AIBMAC provides comic relief !! To quote Arun Shourie from his most readable “ Indian Controversies “ (Rupa & Co) : “ So,archaeology itself was denounced. And sophistry was put out. Irfan Habib led the charge. But his own howler showed his arguments to be special pleading: if one went by the dates he ascribed on the basis of Carbon Dating and all, Babar would have expired in 1965 instead of 1530, the reign of Akbar would commence in 2001 instead of having ended in 1605!” (pp- 549). And for his path breaking research and discoveries, the secular UPA Government confers the ‘Padma Bhushan’ to this ‘Eminent Historian’!! And, I harbour no doubts that your “EMINENT EDIT WRITERS’ will concur with Irfan Habib’s ‘pathbreaking Historical findings’!!Secularism – JAI HO!!

And then, there are the excavations of the ASI, on the orders of the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court in 2003. Using modern technology of a ground penetrating radar, it was
found that a ‘structure’ existed below the site where the Babri Masjid stood!! This proves the fact that Islamic iconoclasm destroyed not one, but two Hindu Temples at the same spot
i.e. the one discovered by Dr. Lal pertained to the Delhi Sultanate Period, and the latter discovery belonged to the Mughal era!! Science has spoken the Truth. The seculars still wallow in purveying falsehood on this issue.

Your paper, and rightly so, is engaged in ‘exposing’the ‘dud fusion’ at Pokhran in 1998. I suggest a similar ‘crusade’ for making public the findings of the ASI in the latest excavations. But, we also know you’ll NOT DO IT !! Elementary Dear Watson !! The ‘secular’ skeletons will come tumbling down !!

It is in context to quote the Belgian historian on the reporting of the ‘Ayodhya-Babri Masjid Affair’ : ” Future scholars of political and communications science will study the reporting of the Ayodhya affair as an absolute classic of brilliantly successful disinformation”.  Your paper included please.

Shame on you – The New Secular Christian – Muslim Express -  in comparing a ‘brazen LOOT’ of the exchequer in the Bofors case, to ‘suppressing the truth Babri Masjid Affair’. History be damned !!


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