Secular Verbal Terrorists yields zero return when it comes to Modi Bashing!

via H Balakrishnan published on February 12, 2010

Dear Sir,

Reference to the ‘ by now, familiar Modiphobic rantings of the secular fundamentalist ‘ -  Shiv Visvanathan in his – ” The yogi, the commissar ” – (TNIE – 12 FEB).

The same arguments used in ‘dime-a-dozen’ rants of this ‘secular worthy’, in earlier Articles, find repetition once again in the present Article. The only difference this time around being the introduction of the Mahatma into the litany of SECULAR LIES !! The fact of the matter is that the ‘secularists’ despite all the hue and cry raised in a ready and obliging ‘secular English media’, since 2002, have not been able to do anything to the Gujarat Chief Minister. This is one occassion when their ‘secular verbal terrorism’, yeilded them a ‘ZERO COUPON RETURNS’!! Explains their angst !!

I hope Shiv keeps a ready and regular supply of antacids by his bedside!! He is going to need them in the days ahead !!

His angst is against the Gujarati middle class. Is he meaning the urban middle class? In such a case, it becomes evident, though not surprising, that he is ignorant of the happenings in Gujarat!! But then, when did the ‘Indian secular’ ever do wide spectrum reading to widen his/her horizons?

Here are a few facets of Gujarat, for ‘Shiv’s education’, as can be obtained from open sources !!

According to Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar, in his blog of 22 Jul 2009 entitled : ” Agriculture: Secret of Modi’s success ” : 

” However, an excellent new study suggests that the secret of Modi’s success lay in agriculture, an area completely neglected by political analysts. Ashok Gulati, Tushaar Shah and Ganga Sreedhar have written an IFPRI paper, ‘Agricultural Performance in Gujarat Since 2000’, which highlights something few people know — that Gujarat’s agricultural performance is by far the best in India “. Would Shiv please tell us whether this is an ‘urban middle class’ phenomena ?

Again. ” Between 2000-01 and 2007-08 agricultural value added grew at a phenomenal 9.6% per year (despite a major drought in 2002). This is more than double India’s agricultural growth rate, and much faster than Punjab’s farm growth in the green revolution heyday. Indeed, 9.6% agricultural growth is among the fastest rates recorded anywhere in the world. That drives home the magnitude of Gujarat’s performance “. And then the ‘clincher’ : ” Since the bulk of Gujarat’s population is still rural, this mega-boom in agriculture must have created millions of satisfied voters. Hence it must have played a major role in Modi’s victory. Yet I did not see a single media analyst mention it “.  Where have the ‘secular fundamentalists’ like Shiv Visvanathan the time to do such work? They have the time only for ‘secular fulminations’!! If Shiv is interested, he could ‘educate’ himself at:


Corroborating Aiyer, is this report of CNBC’s, Vivian Fernandes, entitled : ” Gujarat posts 12.8% agriculture growth, highest in India ” : ” Whether it is investments or his drives for improved child nutrition, girl child enrolment, hospital deliveries or rural sanitation, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is never short of bragging points. Now, he has more reason for immodesty. Against a national average of 2.8% in a five year period to 2006-07, the latest year for which state-wise data is available, Gujarat has become the fastest growing state agriculturally. It clocked a growth rate of 12.8% after a decline during the previous five years and higher growth during the early 1990s, but a smart bounce nonetheless in view of a severe drought in 2002-03 “.

Contrast ‘communal Gujarat’ with ‘Secular West Bengal’, in the same report : ” In contrast, West Bengal is the worst performing in agriculture. Farming in the state is in secular decline from 5.3% in the early 1990s to 3.9% during the next five years, and less than half that growth during the latest five year period. Poor farming performance should be a cause of concern for the left front government that parades its land reforms “.

Fernades then explains this agricultural growth : ” There are several factors for Gujarat’s agricultural performance.  Among them water from the Narmada, investments in check dams, widespread cultivation of genetically-modified cotton, a dedicated power grid for the farming sector that assures regular supply during non-peak hours, and rejuvenation of the extension system by Chief Minister Narendra Modi “. Explains why there are no ‘farmer suicides’ in ‘communal Gujarat’, but happens with sickening regulararity in ‘secular Maharashtra’ !!  For the benefit of Shiv & ilk:  

I harbour no doubts whatsoever, that Shiv & ilk will instantly brand ‘Swminomics’ & Fernades as ‘RABID COMMUNALISTS’ !!

Here is another from arid Kutch. ” Along with farmers and government, people from all walks of life, joined in propagating this abhiyan. The religious leaders, sadhus, sants mahatmas, NGOs, social and political workers, public representatives from panchayat raj, MLAs, MPs, ministers, industrialists, associations, government officials and even NRIs came forward to organise the ‘Jal Yatra’ to spread the message of water harvesting and water conservation. The ponds and check dams were named as ‘Jal-Mandirs’, where prayers and artis were performed for Jal Devta. The message was conveyed by leaders and social activities like Rajendra Singh from Alvar. Print and electronic media also played a great role in spreading this abhiyan. Through the seminars, gram sabhas, kisan sammelans, lok dairas (popular gathering of traditional entertainment) religious meets, in short, all types of methods were adopted to spread the message of water conservation and to make the people actively involved “.

Further. ” In each village 10 to 100 check dams were constructed on all spring rivers waste lands or low lying areas where water can be stored. From kachcha bandh, bori bandh to pakka check dam, were constructed, wells were recharged, deepening of village ponds and old medium or minor irrigation dams were also undertaken. In short, all sorts of measures as per local topography were undertaken utilising wisdom, local traditions and skill along with modern methods. The aim was to share each drop of rain water keeping in mind the principle of “save the water where it drops”. Due to typical geographical topography of Saurashtra, almost 80 per cent rain water was merging in sea before this movement was made. Now almost 80 per cent of rain water is harvested “. The beneficial fall out was : ” The visible and self satisfactory change was the rising of under ground water level up to 8 meters. Repeated percolation after each phase of rainfall during monsoon raised the ground water level table, which in turn prevented sea water from penetrating in inner land and also prevented chemical pollution “.

The result was : ” Due to irregular seasonal rainfall, the monsoon crops which used to remain devoid of water at a particular time were provided water by irrigation from nearby check dams or wells, the crop production did not suffer as earlier. Again, farmers could take “ Rabi” crop also by irrigating the farms. In some areas, even third crop was also possible in form of vegetables, fruits or flowers, etc “. And not just that : ” Today, because of heavy recession in industries and business, many unemployed youth are coming back to villages and again starting their livelihood through agriculture as now there is no shortage of water “.  Mahatma Gandhi would have lovingly approved this, much to the chargin of these ‘secular hypocrites’ !!

Lastly, here is another ‘secular’, Suhel Seth in the Financial Express of 19 Oct 2008, entitled : ” Why India needs Narendra Modi? “. Seth concluded as follows: ” I left Modi’s house deeply impressed with the man as Chief Minister: he was clearly passionate and what’s more deeply committed. When I sat in the car, I asked my driver what he thought of Modi and his simple reply was Modi is God. Before him, there was nothing. No roads, no power, no infrastructure. Today, Gujarat is a power surplus state. Today, Gujarat attracts more industry than all the states put together. Today, Gujarat is the preferred investment destination for almost every multi-national and what’s more, there is an integrity that is missing in other states. After I finished talking to the YPO (Young President’s Organisation) members, I asked some of them very casually, what they thought of Modi. Strangely, this was one area there was no class differential on. They too said he was God.  But what they also added very quickly was if India has just five Narendra Modis, we would be a great country. I don’t know if this was typical Gujarati exaggeration or a reflection of the kind of leadership India now needs! There is however, no question in my mind, that his flaws apart, Narendra Modi today, is truly a transformational leader! And we need many more like him!”.

Do I detect the bile rising in Shiv? !! Will make me extremely happy !!

The next ‘myth’ that the seculars keep perpetrating is ‘Muslim Backwardness’ because of State policy !! Here is an extract from the ‘Milli Gazette’: ” The literacy rate among Muslims in Gujarat has increased by 10 per cent in the last decade and at 73 per cent is higher than the overall literacy rate in the state.Female literacy too is higher than the national average at 54 per cent. But instead of being pushed into ghettos, access to colleges and awareness campaigns have meant that even the orthodox sections, chose more liberal education systems to madrasas.The silent literacy revolution in Gujarat is a powerful rejoinder to those who have tried to stereotype the Gujarati Muslim “.


To the Editor-in-Chief of TNIE, I would like to place on record that the likes of Shiv Visvanathan are a ‘drag & a yawn’. Their writings are devoid of facts on ground.They are akin to the stuck gramaphone records of yesteryears !! I also note, these days other mainstream papers are not publishing the ‘crap’ that Shiv & ilk purvey. Makes me wonder whether TNIE  has become ‘ the last refuge of these briefless secular scoundrels’?


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