Secular Claptrap!!

via H.Balakrishnan published on February 5, 2008


This has reference to the usual ‘secular hogwash’ – “Vajpaye’s legacy Advani’s challenge”-(TNIE-05 FEB).

The writer in typical ‘secular’ style-that we got used to over the years and dumped it into the trash can long ago- states: “Moreover the heavily anti-minority stance adopted by the BJP in the resolution,be it opposing the Rajendra Sachar report,grant of dalit status to converted Christians — – -“.

The Rajendra Sachar Committee Report has been so very ‘impartial’ that it is now in the Delhi High Court as a writ petition!! The petitioner,a retired IPS Officer,has contented that the Report flies in the face of the findings of National Sample Survey and National Family Health Survey!! Simply put, these reports by the Natioanl organizations have found that the plight of the muslims is much the same as that of the poorest Hindus.If anything it is better than that of the Hindus!! The Delhi High Court has accepted the initial arguments of the petitioner and posted the matter for further hearing later this month. That such an important issue did not find space in our ‘secular’ media tells the ‘whole story’!!

As regards Dalit status for ‘harvested souls’. The entire ‘harvesting machinery’ from the days of the Raj has built its ‘harvest’ by denigrating Sanatana Dharma as also on the FACT that all are ‘equal’ in the eyes of the ‘Only Begotten Son of the Only True God’. Despite these tall claims,Church literature reveals the practicew of seperate pews and graveyards for ‘converted dalits’.Now that the converted are claiming equality and the Church is unable to provide the same,the call has gone for ‘reservations’ in the form of the Justice Ranganatha Mishra Committee Report. But to oppose this fraud is ‘communal’ in the eyes of the Nikams of this country!! Only the ‘seculars’ are capable of such warped thinking!!

Lastly the writer suggests the points on which the BJP can raise issues before the public. He conveniently,and I daresay deliberately, leaves out ‘Jihadi Terrorism’ and its effects on National Security. This is THE point that the BJP has to keep beating the UPA with consistently.I’ve heard a retired DGP stating in a recent seminar, how the police forces are directed against entering muslim mohallas in search of terror suspects. In direct contrast, an English judge has recently convicted 5 muslim trror suspects to 51 years jail terms,for ‘planning’ the July 21 bombings.The judge also bemoaned the leniency of the law in not allowing him handing down a stiffer verdict!! But then in Bharat,wed have to contend with the irrationality of the ‘secular brigands’!!

I had read the recent Article of Aditya Sinha promising a ‘new look’ TNIE that will go back to its ‘good old days’.If Nikams Article is anything to go by, then I’m afraid ‘TNIE HAS MILES TO GO TO KEEP ITS TRYST WITH DESTINY’!!


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