Second conversion round for Mizo and Manipur Tribals

via GSK Menon published on June 27, 2011

About 7500 Mizo and Manipur tribals belonging to the Bnei Menashe tribe are being taken to Israel on the ground that they are the descendants of one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. The claim is based on the ground that certain customs being observed by these tribes are similar to Jewish traditions. These Mizos are being inducted in the Israel Defence Forces !

The truth is now out, Jewish population shortage is being offset by spreading a canard that these tribals belong to the Lost Tribes. Simply because there is some similarity in certain customs, how can it be concluded that these tribes were part of the Lost Tribe ? Major customs like circumcision, stoning to death, crucifixion are all missing in the Mizos. Already, one desert religion managed to convert them into christianity, now another round of conversion, when they are going to renounce and denounce christianity ! What nonsense is happenning ? Now these fresh Jewish converts will be deployed to fight another desert religion, Islam.

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