Say NO to Islamic university in Tirupati

published on September 19, 2013

The ruling Congres party is an ally of Ittehadul Muslimeen party which is a successor to Razakars. Razakara led by Kasim Rizvi massacred thousands of Hindus in Nizam ruled parts of Andhra, including Hyderabad until it was liberated by Sardar Patel. It did not take long , once inimitable Sardar was gone,for Congress to make allies with Moslem league in Kerala and with this outfit in Andhra.

Asaruddin Owasi and his brother Akbaruddin Owasi inherited the party from his father who was a speaker of Andhra Pradesh legislature and prevented vote count in the assembly that would have gone against Congress in favor of N T Ramarao.

Asaruddin Owasi, you can view his speech on you tube, demanded ‘just 15 minutes without police or army’. Perhaps to renew where his predecessor Razakars left of. Congress is discharging its obligation for the vote bank support by permitting an Islamic University in Thirupathi, one of very few temple towns left any more in the country. Congress also toyed with idea of taking over 5 hills of 7 hills of Thirumala to build churches and mosques. Already a church and a mosque were built in compound of Sri Venkateswara university that came up from temple money. Reserve Bank of India, a tool of UPA run Government in New Delhi wants list of gold in the temple for use to shore up rupee which was falling due to many ‘ghotalas’ or ‘gates’ of VViPs of UPA.

So for proposed Islamic University if money comes from the same temple funds it will not be surprising. More over when Aligarh Moslem university built, the donations in huge amounts came from Hindu princes like Ananda Gajapathi of Vijayanagar (different from Hampi Vijanagar) in Andhra. Now there are no more such charitable class in ruling Congress leaders both in Andhra and in Delhi, to donate from their personal possessions but they are very generous with other people’s money like tax payers in India who are largely Hindu and of course from Hindu temples. Actually it will be good start for Islamic University because this way an important Shariat provision is being implemented right at the start.. Shariat insists on Jijya from Dhimmis.Secularism in India upholds Shariat provisions. Congress upholds secular principles.

Perhaps here Congress is discharging its obligation for vote bank support. Already you can see place in Thirupathi selling beef.
Even Pakistan bans sale of beef in what ever left of Hindu areas there. In Indian army serving pork is banned, but beef is allowed. All these and more like polygamy which is also banned in Pakistan, but not in secular India, constitute practices of secularism . And if such practices result in turmoil like what is happening in Mujaffarnagar it is all the more preferable. Because same secular leaders go there pretending they are saviours, pay money, not thier own of course, and collect votes. Both Manmohan Singh and his ‘inspiration and guide’,( in hia own words) SoniaG are engaged in such fishing expedition in UP. Of course their ally in Delhi but not in Lucknow, another great secular party Samajvadi, resents their presence which may cause split in their same vote banks.

No country can make progress with such entities holding reins of power. In fact the progress after so many centuries being held back, India made just two decades back, that growth story was reversed with leading headlines world over of India’s information technology acumen, are now replete with falling Rupee, rising Riots. Only thing held safe is secularism like of which does not exist anywhere else in the world. And if tomorrow another Mujaffarnagar type riot takes place, May Sri Venkateswara forbid, in Thirupathi , credit must go to secular Congress and its allies.

India does not need an Islamic university complete with burka clad vice chancellor which will be a glorified madrasa from many of which came terrorists There is Pakistan next door. Like Indian students going to Oxford or Harvard, those who are interested may go to Pakistan, or one in UP, Deoband, world renowned for Wahabi school of thought,which is inspiration for Al Qaeda.

Instead let there be a computer school or like Tata’s an institure tor research in subjects ranging from Atom to Zoology, none of them you come across in Quran or Hadith. And those subjects can be taught without Burka.

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