Salute to Zee News TV

published on September 30, 2014

There is no word to appreciate India’s first and No. 1 national news channel Zee News, who had shown the real journalism and courage to debate more than hour about the behavior of well known anti national journalist Rajdeep Sardesai.  

While the whole national and regional channels were trying to protect this anti nationalist just because he is working in their field, Zee News acted in different way, specially after seeing the real video footage clearly showing Rajdeep provoking the people and used bad words against Indian Prime Minister, moreover he only first slapped one of the follower of Indian Prime Minister. The channel decided to start the debate with top most senior journalists in India, including those journalist witnessed this incident. Most surprisingly, 100% of the senior journalists participated this debate talks against Rajdeep Sardesai’s behavior, not only this particular incident but he is already known as ‘Bad Boy’ in this field.

One of the journalist of Zee News witnessed in this incident said “Before this incident Rajdeep took a photo of Indian Prime Minister on his mobile phone and went to a street with his cameraman, where only Americans living and asked them  – do you know this person? As usual most of the Americans said they don’t know him. Based on this, he made a news story, stating no one in America knows who is Modi and only Indian media is making him hero”

My sincere thanks to Zee News Team for the impartial news analysis.

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