Richly deserved ‘Brick Bats’ to the “Commie” Editor – N.Ram

published on May 25, 2007

Editor in Chief,
The Hindu Group,
kasturi building
859& 860
Anna Salai
Chennai 600002

Dear Mr.N.

‘Save The Hindu’ Campaign

Your newspaper is going great lengths to present the views of a student artist chandra mohan, who has been in the news.

I refer to the interview, published in your Today’s newspaper.Let me give my comments on your approach to the whole issue.

http://www.hindu. com/2007/ 05/24/stories/ 2007052402281300 .htm

Stretch of Artistic Imagination

Suppose, if Chandramohan wants to draw his own nude pictures, let him draw his own pictures, his own family members, mother,father, brothers and sisters.To
out do his previous record to do better, he try his brushing skills with Communist leaders like Karl Marx, Josef Stalin and Vladimir illich Lenin. Since you and your clan of leading journalsist are his great sympathisers, you may out of gret generosity permit him to paint in nude your own family members; your father,mother, wife,daughter and your warangal correspondent Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao and his family also, then no one would have objected to it.No one would cared for your “talent search”.

A thousand dollar question posed to you : would be would you have permitted this “rare” and ‘raving’ interview from warangal?

Send him to gulag

Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao would have lost his job and gone unnoticed, perhaps sent to some gulag. (ah you must be familar with gulag).

Such feat is not impossible

Do you think it is a very difficult task to repeat the task of Mad hussain and Chandra Mohan ? It will not be difficult at all to repeat this ‘rare feat’ of this ‘rare’young man, by others.

Hence there is no end to this selective application of artistic freedom. For a change why not he (Chandramohan) by a stretch of imagination , try out his artistic freedom that he is supposed to have, apply it to the mentioned categories, instead of gods and godesses?

Celebrities who clamour for Chandramohan‘ s touch

Publish paintings, pictures and murals of George Bush,Tony Blairt, Vladimir Putin , Mian Musharuff,Sheikh Hasina,Benazir Bhutto,Mahatir Mohhammed, Prophet Mohhamud, Noor Abdullah, Ahmed Nijjar, Man Mohan Singh, Montek Singh, Prakash Singh, Sonia Gandhi,Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi.M.Karunanidh i,YS Rajasekhar Reddy,Chandra babu naidu,Kalyan singh,Narendra Modi,Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Vajpayee, L.K.Advani,Somanath Chaterjee, Bairon Singh Shekawat,Buddha dev, Basu, Achuthanandhan, Sitaram Yachuri,Prakash karat,Brinda karat,Pandiyan, Rangarajan,Mamtha banerjee,Balakrishn an,Kapil Sibal,Mamooty, Maran,Azhagiri Stalin,Kanimozhi, Pranoy Roy,Radhika Roy, Barkha Dutt,Vir Sanghvi, N.
Ram,Harish khare,Neena vyas,Bhanu pratab Mehta,Rajnikant, Kamalahasan, Vijaykant, Vishnuvardhan, Ramdoss, Murali Manohar Joshi Anbumani Ramdoss, Jayalaitha, Amithab Bhachhan, Aishwarya Roy, Arundathi Roy, Kushboo,Rahul gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi,Menaka Gandhi,Manini Chaterjee,and Teresa, in the nude.

Are you daring enough?

I suggest to be ‘fair’to your name and true to your ‘nationalistic’ credientials, love for ‘freedom loving’ and ‘libertine seeking’ nature  must encourage such “bold”, “daring”, “creative expressions”  and encourage impresionable minds jump into such venture be applied to ordinary mortals also.After all mortals were all born naked. Why not expose their nudity, as purity mannangatty.

Save the name

The Hindu, one of the most credible and trusted newspapers in the country has many things to its credit. Chief among them is the appointment of an Ombudsman or a Readers’ Editor in a newspaper for the first time in the history of Indian journalism. This 127-year-old newspaper with 3.8 million readers has a different story to tell ever since N
Ram, who describes himself as “An Indian who has no sympathy for the Hindus and “Dalai Lama‘s separatist and backward looking agenda”, took charge as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper on July 1, 2003

Business potential

You must especially encourage “The Hindu youngworld” especially the ST.Thomas specials can be peppered and even constitute scholarships for such nobel efforts, with the expert of Nobel laurates, to institute Young world Nudity Noble prizes and Young world booker prizes insituted by Arundahti roy with her nude portrait embossed on the certificates. This will be the ultimate ACT of freedom of ex-pression that Hindus are clamouring for. They want libery from Prudish attitudes.

Friends of Tibet

FOT has learned that the editorial board of The Hindu led by N
Ram has instructed their centres not to carry any ‘Tibet’, ‘Dalai Lama‘ and ‘Falun Gong‘ stories criticising the policies of the Chinese government. Instead of depending on reliable news agencies like PTI, UNI, IANS, Reuters, AP and AFP, The Hindu has found a Beijing-based news-agency to fetch stories – The Xinhua – world’s biggest propaganda agency belonging to the Chinese Communist Party. Probably The Hindu is the only newspaper in the country to reproduce Xinhua reports. Today The Hindu has virtually become a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.

TV fames

Ah i have forgot to metion some more names…TV fames Sagarikaha Ghosh, Rajdeep Sardesai, (cnn-ibn)… Shekar Gupta, Sreenivasan Jains,
Ram Guha, all deserve good centre page coverage.

Madame Tussads

Madame Tussauds is one of the famous tourist spot in London.They  have recently added a ‘Sexy-Wax’ to Madame Tussauds,of giving you the chance to get up close and personal with the global film and pop hearthrob and see just what ‘sexy-wax’ is all about. Loved worldwide, not only for his latest FutureLoveSexSounds album and sizzling liveshows, but also for his recent
Hollywood roles, Justin takes over the stage in our brand new Music Zone and in his stylish outfit from Saville Row, he is sure to give you the slickest show in town!

Now you too can feel what it’s like to be a superstar as you step into the limelight and star alongside Justin! Try out your best dance moves, sing along and then collect your award at our Music podium.

The Hindu -Cooum-Buckingham canal challenge

For a change, you may venture out into developing a wax museum on the Buckingham-Canal- Cooum side,and help the sex starved chennaites giving them a chance to ‘touch’ and ‘have a feel’ of bye gone Tamil film artises, and the existing one. Kamal hassan for a change will not hesitate to come to you office riding on his mobike nude.

Sporty enough

Include the sports icons also like Sunil Gavaskar,Scahin Tendulkar,  Narain karthikeyan, PT Usha and Viswanathan anand also.

Are there no writers?

Amartya Sen with mutiple scelrosis, and mutiple identity crisis will be eager to get out of his itching and smell the wonderful perfume that emanates from Cooum that is a stones’ throw from the kasturi buiding.

The Hindu FTV haute couture

You can do good business out of of your career eduaction also.
Some one is whispering, you may conduct a seperate artistic competion in summer vacation, and invite all such budding and young artistes.  You may invite corporates like Playboy,Bunny and Maxim, to conduct career workshops for the young and aspiring- those who are out of college, yet to graduate, nude artists, semi literates Tamils, extras in the movies industry, Nakeeran Gopal and K.Veeramani. FTV has been banned by Priyaranjan Dass Munshi. They are clamouring for indian audience. The best of them may get a display of their nudity in ” The Hindu FTV ” contest. You may help the FTV a back door entry into

Play Boy competetion this summer on the river Cooum

Also you may start “The Hindu Playboy”. There are many such publications, that vie for colloboration with you.Some one has send by SMS the names of Vladaimir Putin and Gorbachev to be added in the Hindu list.

Kuldeep nayyar as Judge and Jury

Add some more names like Kuldeep Nayyar to included as the judge and jury. Some one just snips “do not forget to include Supreme court Judges, State Judges,  Governor of  Tamilnadu Surjit Singh barnala” .

SMS poll by CNN IBN and NDTV

Hell will break loose “some one whispers if you add kushboo” he is “afraid of
Ram doss” .He will be after you.So do not add his name to list of naked celbrities. You may add EVR to the list.He was bold. He has posed in ireland, and in Germanay in the 1930, in nude along with other nudists.Since it is a published book, you don’t have to worry. DK won’t attack you.

The Hindu Xinhua news agency

Perhaps unique in the world because of its role, size, and reach, Xinhua reports directly to the Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda Department and employs more than 10,000 people. The head of the Xinhua has the rank of a minister. Successor to the agency, Red China that was founded by Mao Zedong, Xinhua adopted its current name in January 1937. Since October 1949, this state-run news-agency has been completely subordinate to the Chinese Communist Party and remains the voice of the sole party.

Freedom at Midnight

A card-holding member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) who had been to China and occupied-Tibet at least fifte
n times in junkets mostly arranged by the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, N
Ram is also the mastermind behind ‘India-China Association of Journalists’ , an embassy-sponsored organisation specialising in arranging pleasure trips for Indian journalists. This new strategy of Beijing has already won the hearts of some of our best journalists. Ironically it is only when the Tamil Nadu Police entered The Hindu office premises in Chennai, N Ram who calls the killing of a million Tibetans by China‘s occupying forces ‘a myth’, got enlightened about freedom.Thanks to J.Jayalaithaa.

Limits of Freedom

Hurting others in the name of freedom of Religion is easy.It
will not be difficult to apply the same yardstick to all the people. Hurting is an task easy, as you are doing now, which is a punishable offence and a cognisable offence, a religious , social and moral offence, hence it is not hurting that requires effort it is not hurting that will require efforts.

No hope of your reform

We do not hope you will reform your attitude, with or the without the in famous chandramohan episode. With refernce to your notorious , friends in the pseudo secular, marxist controlled, mindlessly drugged , hands-tied, mouth-gagged, free press of India,  it will not at all be difficult to strip the notorious gangsters, Italian mafiosi,Naxalbaris, Malabaris, Dawoodis, Maoists, Polit bureau capitalists, Writers,Lunatics, Perverts, Peeping toms and Paedophiles, Dravidians  and display them in Posters in public.

Aparttheid Constitution

Long live Indian apartheid constitution, “a virtual constitution club” run by minorites, for by them voted by the majority,ruled by the previged among the majority .The drummer being the vox populi like infamous; calumnous, historically in the back waters, mionority run, funded by taliban,Christian terrorist evangelists, mian musharuff and the fifth coloumnists’ news paper. 

Opus Dei Member

As a student communist, you were picked by Communists and you were earlier brain washed by opus dei and again have been braiwashed by communists; your brain has been carved so to say ; your  nervous system has been programmed; you think through filters,and your attitude is poinsonous ;poison  runs in your blood stream.

Baptism will not help you

As you grow old we hoped your attitude should grow, but that is not taking place in your case, and you are a hopeless lost commie,and looking for a escape, by your baptism into Churchianity which will  not help you.Stuck up in the muck as you are between the communist devil and Churchian deep sea , you have no redemption.

Existing a Cult

Quitting even a cult is difficult.You are chained and enslaved by mutiple cults like communism, christianity and Islam.It will require, great deal of determination and expert help.If you sincerely seek our help, we may be able to help you to come out of the self inflicted trauma.

Save the Hindu

You are not only damaging yourself but also others, and you are comflaging your news paper as The Hindu, which it is not , in order to aid and abet your cult work. We have every ounce of evidence that you are troubled and mentally ill, and a dangerous person,with record of several broken marriages, and you are incapable of running a news paper in an unbiased manner.

Change the name to “Cults Gazette”

Hence we demand that you immediately rename your paper as the “Cults Gazette” as you are idealogically close to the communist party of India CPI,the Communist party marxist (CPI-M)India, and or the Xinhua news agency (a mirror image of it, the people’s daily of China,to which you have close relations, and the People’s war group’s daily,to which you are an adviser.

“Ever since Mr N Ram has taken charge as the Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu on July 1, 2003, we had written and emailed him a number of times requesting him not to publish Xinhua propaganda stories especially the ones targeted at the Tibetan Government-in- exile and the institution of HH the Dalai Lama. We have learned that The Hindu editorial team in Chennai led by Mr N Ram has instructed various centres of the newspaper not to publish any news items criticising the policies of the Chinese government and also on Tibet, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong. The Hindu continues to publish unedited versions of Xinhua stories to fool its serious readers on a daily basis.”

What is Xinhua?

On the eve of the 56th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 2005, Reporters Without Borders released a report of an investigation into the role of the news agency Xinhua News Agency in the system of propaganda and censorship put in place by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Perhaps unique in the world because of its role, size, and reach, Xinhua reports directly to the Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda Department; employs more than 10,000 people.

We believe that it is immoral from the side of an Editor to drag some of the eminent journalists to do ethically-wrong- reporting for The Hindu and Frontline and also to use a democratic forum – freedom of the press – to advance the cause of an autocratic regime. We request you to have a look at our concerns and STOP publishing reports filed by Xinhua, world’s largest propaganda news-agency belonging to the Chinese Communist Party.

‘Save The Hindu’ Campaign is an attempt to save the anti hindu anti activities and anti Tibet newspaper and also to expose Xinhua – Chinese government’s propaganda agency to its readers. Let us use the opportunity to write to the dubious role of appointed Readers’ Editor about our concerns on The Hindu policies on various issues including Tibet.




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