Rescue my family from Nithyananda – Express & Dinamalar reports compared

via K Vijayan published on May 22, 2010

As per the Indian Express report, a christian fruit shop owner, K.Sagaya George of Samadanapuram in Palayamkottai, Tamil Nodu, has lodged a complaint with the Thirunelveli Police Commissioner urging him to ‘rescue his wife and two children from the custody of Nithyananda and his disciple Osho Mani’. As per this report George’s wife of 15 years, Arokya Vimala went to Osho Mani for some medical treatment and he took Rs.50,000 from her for treatment as well as teaching “acupuncture”, and another 35,000 towards some money-multiplication scheme. As per the husband’s complaint, the lady placed pictures of the Swami and did “puja” – a cognizable offence in Chritianity perhaps.

The Tamil Daily “Dinamalar” Chennai 22-5-10 edition, page 7 states that the wife in question, Arokya Vimala (38) has filed a petition with the Police Commissioner, Chennai, yesterday evening urging him to take action against her husband, in which she has alleged that her husband Sagaya George was a bad character, and hence she had left him five years ago, and filed suit in the Family Court which is in process. She has further stated that she attended Swami NItyananda’s meditation programme only once, and after that has not gone again. She has never been confined anywhere by anybody, and that her sons Arun Prakash (14) and Ajay Anto (12) are staying with her. She accuses her husband George of lodging a false complaint for cheap publicity.

We wonder why the Sun Media System is not doing their usual 24 X 7 “flashing” of these startling events as a follow-up to their anti-Hindu Programmes.
The “lagging Power Factor” of Indian Express reportage is also very obvious. They prefer to ignore what is going on under their noses, where Hindu interests are concerned.

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