Reminiscent of Nazi atrocities going on in Communist North Korea

published on February 18, 2014


Comrades in India never tire repeating indignation and outrage for Gujarat Riots.

Communists without fail remind how the RSS killed Gandhi and how Hinduism must be ashamed forever for Untouchability.

How the barbarism of their own Communism is at work is something they will never note- The Communists have uniformly displayed savagery wherever the people were delivered to their hands- from Jukags to Tibetans , from Khmer Rouge to Kim Jong -Communists come out as the worst oppressors and butchers of humanity.

United Nations investigators conclude- North Korean Communist regime has been doing unspeakable things to its people, ‘Reminiscent of Nazi atrocities’!

Michael Kirby, chairman of the independent Commission of Inquiry, told Reuters the crimes the team had cataloged in a 372-page report were reminiscent of those committed by Nazis during World War Two.

Read detailed report @

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