Reasons behind the nervous hysterics of television anchors

published on October 1, 2013


By GP.Srinivasan

Title: Social Media As Watchdog
Author: Ravinar
Foreword: Professor.R.Vaidhyanathan, IIM Bangalore.
Published by: Karmic Action, C 12, UMA NAGAR, AHMEDABAD, PINCODE 380052
Year: 2013
PRICE Rs 325/-
To order –

One of the most original books that I have across in recent times, written in plain Indian English, with inputs to necessary to understand the Indian English media by even college students. It is unfortunate that viewers of Television Debates especially in English are not much familiar tricks and the games the media play, and with the arrival of this book that gap has been filled up.

If you have, at any time felt angry, after seeing a Television debate this book is for you. If you are veteran news paper reader, and thoroughly feel that the standards have fallen this book is for you. If you are an avid TV watcher, and try to compare the programmes of foreign with the fish market scenes of Times Now TV, this book is for you. If are in MBA and advised your professors to watch debates in the NDTV, as was done to one my friend?s daughter, who is in MBA in Sastra College, you please procure a copy of the book, and present it to the department?s reading room and don?t forget to refer it to your professor casually.

Most of the professors, have no clue, how to dissect a TV debate. There is simply no way to criticize and dissect the rapid Indian TV. Someone, like the Dean of academics, Mr.Vaithee Subramanian, Sastra University,Vallam, Thanjavur, who sponsors Times Now debates, and even seen on the podium with Arnab Goswami shows how these academics, with plenty of money and nationalism, wants to get into limelight, if not for themselves, but for the university’s sake. I know he is good man, but if he thinks, by sponsoring Times Now, the rating of the university will go up! He is wrong! His money only will go in ashes! This could be donated for better causes like Cow Protection. Also they do not have the time, tools and acumen to do that dissection of the media in action; and you will be doing a great service if you present a copy of the book “Social Media As Watchdog”, to your college library; you would have done great service; Our University professors have yet to come out with a masterly study on the Behavior of Indian Media, on the Society, something similar to “Manufacturing Propaganda” .There no forum to criticize the Television and Press in his university similar to FAIR.
FAIR is the acronym for “Fair and Accuracy in Reporting”. It is voluntary organizations based in USA that regularly exposes the US media, and their bias in reporting. The writer is a long standing member of FAIR and has written fairly regularly on the Indian media. In “Media under Scrutiny”, I have exposed the shenigans of the Indian Media. In “Games Media Play”, which is fairly a long letter sent to the Company Secretary of NDTV, on the attack on Baba Ramdev, and the reporting by NDTV, which found takers even among school children as found posted school yahoo groups. “Gott Strafe India”, exposed how the UPA Junta is punishing Hindus for their Hindu identity. It also documented how P.C. disappeared for three full days, after the gutless midnight attack on Baba Ramdev, and his followers, on 4th June 2011. It also documents that PC only appeared on TV after full 72 hours. Why would a home minister attack his own >people< whom he was supposed to protect? Why Hindus should not forget the lady sadhak Mrs.Rajbhala, who lost her life, due to the attack by Delhi police on her person – going berserk after taking orders Home Minister Mr.P.Chidambaram.

“Social Media as Watchdog” by Ravinar is no ordinary work. It is historical, in every sense, and for the first time, it documents the criminal behavior, of the MSM (Main Stream Media), and how if it goes unchecked it will ruin the country, as the author rightly concludes.

“The bigger danger is that there could be darker forces funding and handling a media that never fails to honk its independence. Next time any of these media celebs talk of morals, imagine them naked and see how full of shit they are”.

This is how most of us feel after seeing every day almost after seeing a NDTV, TIMES NOW or CNN IBN, LOKMAT Debates. The author sounds warning bells:

“From Kandhahar to 26/11, from 1984 to 2002 Ayodhya to Ahmedabad, I maintain that the current media is the greatest danger to the Indian Democracy. I don’t think Modi is debating whether it is a clean chit or not. But the supreme court of India has clearly exposed the media clean shit”.

The book is divided into nine chapters with 304 pages is scathing critique of the Indian media, and how it functions like a Sicilian mafia. In his introduction eminent Professor Vaidyanathan points out “the ad revenue that media gets is major sources of income for print and TV”. He also exposes “the arm twisting of the government and the conflict of interests. Here comes the role of new social media that exposes the paid news and slanted news and suppressed news. In such scenario we have media starting his blog in Feb 2010. Now have some 14000 followers on twitter. This book is compilation of the 50 best articles on MC after a lot of requests by readers. These have been chosen from over 400 posts on his blog”

A tremendous task in itself. The author deserves a big appreciation for what he has exposed a pack of organised goebellsian liars; “David taking on the Goliath “not in mythical times but in the digital age.

Over 52 years, readers like Arun Shourie, D. Anjaneyalu, Shivram Joglekar, Mohan Natarajan, Vijayan, Kopalle Rao, Maha Kali Rao, Narasimha Murthy, David Frawley, N.S.Rajaram, Dr.S.Kalyanaraman, Bharat Gajjar, Sita Ram Goel. Ram Swarup, Dr.Baba Suseelan, Radha Rajan, Sandhya Jain, P.Deivamuthu, H.Balakrishnan, B.R. Haran, V.S. Sardesai, Varsha Bhosle, Dr.S.R.Rao,B.S Lal. K.S.Lal. Dr.Elst, V.Sundaram, A. Neelakandan and Rajiv Malhotra, has waged war on the Anglo Saxon Indian media for various reasons too long to be listed here.

Many, from letter writers to scholars have exposed the hollowness of the print media through their regular feed back to the editor, to detailed treatises and comments on the writings of Soli Sorabjee, Jyothi Punwani, B.G.Verghese, N.Ram, Prabhu Chawla, Seema Mustafa, TJS George, Malini Parthasarathy, Gail Omvedt, Michael Witzel, Steve Farmer, M.J.Akbar, Malini Chaterjee, Daniel Thimmiah, Romila Thapar, T.J.Ninan, Ramachandra Guha, Kancha Illiah, Siddhartha Varadarajan, Sanjay Srivastava and their ilk. If these could be documented and brought out in a book form it could prove to be damning evidence against the print media on how they sell their souls. [The critics have completely annihilated various alien theories like Aryan Invasion Theory].

Now, for the first time electronic media has been so thorough exposed by Ravi Narayan, aka Ravinar in “Social media as watch dog”. It is time for truth seekers, to align themselves into seamless activism, to thoroughly dredge India, of the congress controlled, media-mafia weed. But before that, do buy as many copies of the book “Social Media as watch Dog” and distribute them, to your friends in college and schools. Donate them to libraries, and translate it into as many local languages, as you can, if you want to save our generation, and the next, from the toxic emissions of English media. These will stop at anything but total annihilation of India and Hindus, as you can see from the vitriolic outpourings of thousands of pages written, and millions of hours spoken and televised every year against Hindus, Hindu Values, India, Narendra Modi, and the sowing divisive agenda; promoting alien interests, on Indian soil, being mouth pieces of China, Pakistan, USA, Europe, Saudi Arabia or Russia, and as conduits of these vested interests who wants to promote their interests in the fertile soil of India, through a compromised media. Or else, why would they invite an arch enemy like, Mian Musharuff repeatedly for Hindustan Times Leadership summit sponsored heavily by PSU money, which is nothing Indian money, public money?

It is time to develop a tool kit, and expose the anti-nationals working in Indian media, and their sources of funds. In February 2012, Dr. Subramanian Swamy had organised a patriotic tweeple conference in Bangalore with the objective of countering the lies propagated by the MSM. It is time for the RTI activists to turn to RTI to expose the sources of PSUs, Government funds received by Hindustan times, CNN IBN, NDTV for hosting anti-India, anti-national leaders ship summits, inviting arch enemies of India like Mian Musharuff for talking on leadership.

In the pretext of entertaining sailors and solders, the scantily clad film actresses moving freely with sailors and Army men, there by destroying their discipline with self pseudo secular English Media as the single biggest security threat to India. Unless they have higher up, the NDTV could not have permission to take cameras and what not into Navy Ships, dockyards, Army barracks. Though the explanation is entertainment it doubtful whether the intentions are exactly the same. The self appointed NDTV team is well known for Kargil telecast record that showed enemies the entrenched position of our soldiers, and exposed them to enemy firing. When terrorists struck Mumbai 26/11, again the same thing happened, when live telecast was allowed unhindered, for a long time, before the National Security adviser, stepped in to stop the nonsense. The live telecast was seen by enemy operators, in Pakistan, who were being kept abreast of the latest developments, and over the satellite phone they gave instructions to the terrorists who were inside the Taj, the Jewish Prayer house and the Oberoi. They planned their moves and counter moves resulted in enormous losses to the lives of young officers. No anchor has been sent to Jail, or TV station has yet been punished or barred as on date, by an Army Court. In the recent of explosion of a submarine in Bombay navy dockyard, the real cause has not been understood; whether it is an accident; or sabotage from outside; or an internal sabotage? There is no dearth of internal enemies in India.

It is time to expose the embedded spies in the media, whose heart bleeds for enemies and beats for different causes, not for India and not for Hindus. In this connection I have disconnected all cable my TV connections, and rely on vernacular newspapers, for local news and accuracy.

As a severe critic of the Hindu for over 14 years, I know the how the Hindu Conceals its communist intentions from its readers. It is a tragedy that the failed communist ideology is dished out through news papers like „The Hindu? that are concealing their real identity, and are targeting young children, as young as 10 years in school. They have resource persons in each school and advise them to read the news paper, in class rooms. They do the task assigned to them, and they are given prominent coverage in the News paper. These teachers work as unofficial agents to spread the word about The Hindu, without understanding the cunning marketing game children and their parents are becoming a tool in the hands of „The Hindu?, and the schools recommend the parents buy the paper and children are asked by their teachers to read the headlines, as home work, and copy them on work books every day. This is nothing but communist propaganda. This is a dangerous trend and getting the children to get addicted to alien ideologies and get uprooted from their culture in the pretext of developing their English knowledge.

In January 2013, The Hindu published an abusive piece on Swami Vivekananda, by a Delhi based professor. Sanjay Srivastava. Media was immediate to point out the similarities in the facial appearance of Sanjay Srivastava and Siddharth Varadarajan the editor of the Hindu and published a mirror image of the two pictures. Our friends organised a protest outside the Hindu office in Chennai, and got arrested for a day. This was followed by a meeting with the resident editor S.Varadarajan. A rebuttal was published by eminent writer Dr.Prema Nandakumar, on request from the monks of the Ramakrishna Mutt. Mylapore Chennai.

The secular minded RK mission, was co-opting with the Hindu for decades, now realized their folly. For the first time, on an all India basis, they cancelled some 98000 subscriptions. This was followed by a two part rebuttal by Aravindan Neelakandan titled “Lal Salam Comrade” which was sent to Siddhartha Varadarajan. The shell shocked did not even acknowledge receipt. This could have changed his perception that on the other side there are people who are more than a match for sanjay Srivastava the idiot, who managed to pen an another idiotic retort in the same trash paper. When out team met Mr.Varadarajan, he seemed bit affable, and offered coffee, which our team headed by Subbu, did not accept. During the course of discussion Mr.V. even suggested “where can we work together”. He pointed about manual scavenging in the country, and wanted a solution for the issue, Mr.Subbu, pointed out that he Mr. V. should go out and cleans the latrines and prove by example. It is on record Mr.V.commented, “what ever we do you people are undefeatable”.

I wrote to Mr.V. to go through his own archives, which carried glowing tributes on Vivekananda reported live 125 years ago, by the reporters from the very stables of the Hindu. The editor did not even know that his paper carried excellent reports on Swami Vivekananda and had to be hinted. He was quick and agreed to publish some amends, which he carried out, not to our liking, as he brought out an ancient controversy, which took place 100 years ago, and not glowing tributes but something a non issue, which he reasoned out from his typical communist mind, was in memory of swami Vivekananda in his 125th year.

This is how a news paper with the name The Hindu, which was started as an idea of defending patriotism and Hinduism by young madrasi Brahmins; Iyengars; Iyers; & Raos, was hijacked by Communists, and now being controlled by aliens. The editor in chief of the Hindu is an American citizen, and Dr.Subramanian Swamy has filed a petition in the Supreme Court, and no worthy TV channel or news paper has published the news including notice sent by the Hon. Court to the Hindu. Earlier I had sent an expose “Gujarat ka Sach” written by the late IPS officer, B.P.Singhal, who had nailed the lie how Feb in 2002 had only 28 days and not 31 days as propagated by NDTV for more than a decade. This stunned the new editor and he chose not to reply. Again, the packs of liars were exposed when Arnab Goswami, with his remained silent when this fact was brought up in a discussion, and he even nodded in agreement.

The author of the book Social Media as watch Dog Mr. Ravinar has not done much expose of The Hindu, from the South. His target was Raj deep Sardesai, Sagarika Ghose (husband wife team), Barkha Dutt, Pranoy Roy, Arnab Goswami, and Rahul Kanwal. When these people are pouring venom and sewage on us for decades, I was drawn to a satire forwarded to me by some frustrated viewer on the madness in TV Channels for TRP ratings with the following, that “Barkha Dutt undergoes face transplant to resemble Arnab Goswami, to improve her TRP ratings, and the “Arnabisation of Barkha” is going on to improve NDTV?s TRP; pat came the reply from Siddhartha varadarajan “don?t send me your toxic mail …remove me from your list”.

He forgot one thing, that I have been tolerating his paper for over 20 years. Just 100 feet from his office in Chennai, there exists the famous Cooum canal that emits 24×7 noxious fumes, similar to many TV Channels. The Hindu and NDTV are partners at some levels in their Tamil
TV broadcast. The Cooum carries the toxic waste of the Chennai city all the waste of slaughter houses and tannery waste. His paper has been dumping all toxic writings of fellow comrades like Sanjay Srivastava, Gail Omvedt, and Michael Witzel on the readers. If Mr.Varadhabhai, cannot tolerate one simple joke, sent as a feedback about his other comrades in NDTV; how does he expect, us readers to tolerate the toxicity of his news paper?

The shit dumped on us, day after day, month after months, for years in the name of Communist ideology, on me and the hapless readers for more than 20 years? Even the very printing ink used in his paper is not eco-friendly, as my 87 year old father start sneezing, as soon as he opens the paper every day morning, and I had to finally stop my news agent Arumugha, from delivering the paper at, my door steps, with a notice to The Hindu?s circulation department that the ink they use is toxic. Now my father?s health has drastically improved. Are you hearing Mr.Siddhartah Varadarajan who is spreading toxins? Under Mr.Varadarajan the Hindu has lost whatever identity it had and the age old charm, and is becoming more and more like Times of India. Sorry Times!
In Social Media as watch Dog Mr. Ravinar finally exposes all the hoaxes that we are seeing every day. Hitting back with twitter is the order of the day.

“When the twitteratti hit back they complain about the noise, and even accuse them of bigotry, malice and hate. Unfortunately, bigotry, hate and malice existed much before the advent of twitterati and social media. Each of the accused has broken many ethics of journalism. Unlike their protected studios, twitter is not a story board. Twitter will hit back and it will hurt”.

“Social media will replace main stream media. This is what scares the living daylights out of hysterical celebs like Sagarika, Ashtosh, Wagle, Barkha, and many more”.
The author sums up with a quotation that came out as the result of rivalry between the Press and Television. The line of rumor in the age of digital reproduction, in „The Hindu?, pretty much sums up their desperation:

“Older media like television remains powerful but increasingly fragile- hence the nervous hysterics of television anchors”

Social Media, has truly arrived in ishtyle in the relentless pursuit of Truth and freedom.

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