Rape of a nun= the other side

via Benjamin P N published on October 12, 2008

A little bit of history.

In Mumbai, some twenty years ago, two nuns were murdered. The Christian churches and the laity immediately accused the Hindus of the crime – that is the nuns were killed for communal reason. For some twenty days the police kept quiet, hoping that the controversy would fade away. When the Christians persisted in their evil programme, the police came out with their report in which they said that the nuns were not virgins, and were known to be involved in sexual activity. After then, the churches suddenly kept quiet. However, today it is still listed as a crime against Christians, just to pad up the data.

Then we have had the Jhabua nuns rape case. Here there was a rape, but the Christian allegation that it was done by members of the Hindu organisations was comprehensively demolished by the state government of the time, which was ruled by the Congress.

In Orissa, around the time, a nun came out with a story that she was raped. It was proved that there was no rape, nor was she even physically attacked.

The Christians had no remorse that they would ask a nun to come out with a false rape story.In the present case, it is intriguing that the nun has not come out in the open.

The allegation of rape was made at the time of the beginning of the retaliation, that is nearly six weeks ago. However, the momentum of the case is happening only now.

Kandhamal Rape : Why is the Christian Priest not suspected or arrested ?The allegedly “raped nun” is still in the custody of the Catholic diocese in Delhi, and has not been brought to Orissa to identify the perpetraors of the crime, so far.

What does it mean? Another false fabricated accusation as several “nun rapes” in the past in Kandhamal?

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