Productive uses of the Burqa

via H Balakrishnan published on September 5, 2009


Dear Sir,
This refers to the ‘utterlry-butterly’ SECULAR FALSEHOODS that one got to read in the Article ” In France it’s secularism, in India it’s Indian culture ” – (TNIE – 04 SEP).
The propensity of our ‘secularist’ to engage in falsehoods -nay – LIES is well known.There are too many instances in the past to bear any repetition. Viewed against this backdrop, our
‘secular worthy’ of the referred Article doesn’t disappoint!!
Europe or more specifically France, in the opinion of the writer displays Islamphobia which prevents the integration of Muslims in French society!! There are many issues that come to mind, to counter this secular rant. However, just one instance to prove the writer wrong.
We are living in an era of “Islamic Terror” in the name of “JIHAD”, which stem from the Only True God ALLAH’S Revelations to the LAST PROPHET. And the “BURQA” has been put to good use,
indeed!! Consider the following:
(a) – Jordan offers a glimpse into the potential for niqabs and burqas as illegal accessories: one news report indicates that 50 people committed 170 crimes using Islamic garments during the past two years, or roughly one incident every four days, a crime wave that has prompted some Jordanians to call for restricting or even banning these Islamic head coverings.
(b) – The United Kingdom has the West’s second-worst record. Jewelry stores – some owned by Muslims – have been targeted in the West Midlands, Glasgow, and Oxfordshire. Two travel agencies were attacked in the adjoining towns of Dunstable and Luton while an armored truck driver was assaulted in Birmingham. Robbery is not the only motive; teenagers in London, used niqab-style face coverings when stabbing a younger boy.
Other criminal incidents in the West include east European pickpockets wearing Islamic headgear in Rotterdam and a burgundy burqa’ed armed robbery at the People’s Bank in Hiddenite, North Carolina (population: 6,000). The man who abducted Elizabeth Smart, 14, of Salt Lake City, forced her to wear a niqab-like garment that hid her in plain sight for nine months.
(c) – Taliban reliance on burqa’ed terrorism, often of the suicide variety, makes Afghanistan the current world epicenter of this tactic. On two occasions, authorities foiled would-be suicide bombers before they could act – one a Russian male convert to Islam with 500 kilograms of explosives in an automobile in Paktia Province, the other an Afghan woman hiding a bomb in Jalalabad.
(d) – Usually, though, violent intentions are hidden by the burqa, becoming apparent only after an attack begins:

– A Taliban commander, Haji Yakub, was killed in burqa as he tried to escape a house in Ghazni Province while attacking U.S. forces.
– A Taliban operative, Mullah Khalid, attacked a police patrol in a crowded market in Farah Province. killing at least 12 people (7 police, 5 civilians).
– A suicide bomber in Helmand Province killed a Pashtu-speaking British soldier before being shot in the forehead.

(e) – About fifteen suicide bombers in burqas armed with suicide vests, Kalashnikovs, and grenade-launchers drove to government buildings in Paktia Province and killed 12 persons.

(f) – Iraq suffered three such incidents (a male insurgent disguised as a pregnant woman, an attempted assassination of a governor, and two suicide bombers killing 22 Shi’i pilgrims) while Pakistan suffered two (one, operating from a rickshaw, killed 15 people). The attack
on Mumbai that left nearly 200 dead included a mysterious burqa’ed woman. Elsewhere, incidents involved an attack on French tourists picnicking in Mauritania and a Molotov
cocktail attack in Bahrain.
I can cite many more such ‘productive uses of the Burqa’!!
Our ‘secularists’ will suffer selective amnesia when one reminds them of the medical problems that afflict Muslim women by resorting to wearing the Burqa.New studies in both England and
Ireland [ NOT IN FRANCE PLEASE!!], have found that covered women (and their breast-fed children) tend to get rickets disease due to an insufficiency of vitamin D, which the skin absorbs from sunlight.This was reported in sections of the ‘secular’ Indian media also!!
Journalist Thomas Landen in his recent Article – ” Eurabian Safari “, wrote: ” The Sharia areas of Europe are expanding rapidly across Western Europe. While currently still restricted to what the French officially call the ZUS (zones urbaines sensibles – sensitive urban areas) these areas are growing fast. Even today, eight million of the sixty million inhabitants of France already live in one of the country’s 751 ZUS.” Says it all.
Now lets turn to ‘Nehruvian Secular India’!! Our ‘secularist’ wrote: ” -  – because no child with markers of Hinduism (a TIKKA, a holy thread or any other marker) would be disallowed entry into school”. EUREKA!!
Your paper, a few months ago, reported that the Principal of a Christian Missionary school in Bangalore, deposing before a Commission of Inquiry going into the communal violence that rocked Bangalore, had stated that the school disuades Hindu girls from wearing bangles and BINDIS while attending school.
Again. Dr.Hilda Raja, a Christian and a former professor at the Stella Maris College, Chennai, entitled: “Bible classes and the right to freedom” , wrote: ” When Hindu students are compelled to attend Bible classes,it is coercion and force: It means denying them their right to FREEDOM. This has to stop: the compulsory Bible classes for Hindu students.
It has been quietly going on in every Christian school. In Tamil Nadu, I am aware that in schools run by the minorities, it is again the same story – all have to attend daily Christian prayers. They are even taken to the nearby church for prayers. When the school celebrates Mass on feast days all children have to attend. The schools are government-aided and I do not see why this is allowed. On the other hand, Hindu private institutions cannot compel children to attend Hindu instructions. This has been allowed to go on unquestioned for too long.” What does our ‘secular worthy’ have to say?
Our secularists indulge in such puerile commentary and blatant falsehoods, that makes one want to puke.They are, bluntly put – “INVETERATE LIARS”

I rest my case.
Vande Mataram

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