Pro commie media ‘ignorant’ about ‘Imperialistic China’!

via H. Balakrishnan published on November 20, 2006

Despite the Pro Commie media’s contention of ‘ignorance’ in the country on Sino-Indian affairs,surprisingly,one comes across very articulate and persuasively argued analyses on the Net, on this subject, sans any polemics!!


Briefly,they highlight that When India attends ASEAN or the East Asia Summit, China does everything to keep it isolated. At the same time, when Beijing throws its substantial weight around in India’s immediate neighbourhood, it doesn’t expect even a murmur of protest. China follows the same policy on border disputes: According to this, territory already under its control isn’t negotiable; it’s prepared to negotiate only on territory that is claimed by it. Thus,Aksai Chin is incontestable; Arunachal Pradesh is.Similarly,What China does for its security is entirely its business. But what makes it react against India’s entry into strong multilateral economic and security forums? In short, the principles Beijing applies on itself are the very principles it rejects in others, especially India.


It is worthwhile,to put this in a historical context. The internationally renowned historian,Dr.R.C.Majumdar had written in 1965:


“There is,however,one aspect of Chinese culture that is little known outside the circle of professional historians. It is the aggressive imperialism that characterized the politics of China throughout the course of her history. We historians are in a position to follow the imperial and aggressive policy of China from the third century B.C. to the present day, a period of more than twenty-two hundred years. It is characteristic of China that if a region once acknowledged her nominal suzerainty even for a short period, she should regard it as part of her empire- even after a thousand years”.


The Chinese claim over Arunachal Pradesh ought to be viewed in this light.George Orwell had said:”The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their History”. Maybe,there is a lesson in this for our Medias  


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