“Penguin withdraws book on Hinduism” etc ..

published on February 12, 2014

“Penguin withdraws book on Hinduism” etc – The Hindu; 12-2-14; Chennai Edition

“Withdraws” is not exactly the same thing as “has agreed to withdraw.

 No trace of an “Apology” to all Hindus, or even a token expression of regret for causing hurt to Hindus.

Certainly nothing like it from the lips of this “Wendy Doniger” whatever she may be, or the very obvious axe she has to grind.

Nor is there anywhere mention that this book is a “Work of Fiction”, or work of Art.

So does naming it as “An Alternative History” by this Ignoramus Convert it into anything other than a travesty of History, pseudo-psycho, motivated piece?

Incredible India may ban Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, Tuslima’s Shame, or Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code (maybe because the name Vinci pinches the passport holder of that name in India). And we do have a UPA owned and run by the anti-Hindu Trio compopsed of aulaads of Macaulay, Babar and Marx.

And it is also undeniable that while the Bottom Line may be purely mercenary, the Penguin has always been Christian from start to finish and has produced more stinking John Brown bodies mouldering all over the world, and has been a Soldier of the Double and Triple Cross.

And coming to the article “Changing landscape of Free Speech” (The Hindu; Chennai Edition; Edit page; 12-2-14) how far is it correct to launch a tirade against Penguin for withdrawing the book (if it really has done so) in India ALONE, and not for the rest of the world, and how has it “changed the FS landscape”, merely because an alien-run Government of India has not banned it? Did the “Hindus” threaten killings, bombings etc against the Pubishers or even against the ignorant Author? The depth of her ignorance and bias against Hindus has been repeatedly discussed by experts at many forums – which she has always dodged.

Or is it an article of Faith to never give Hindus or Hinduthva any credit for taking perfect legal or lawful steps to get Authors of Tripe to recant or relearn?

How far is it correct or relevant that the writer of this “Hindu” article to impute that Hindus are also to be clubbed with those who are involved in “. . . the creation of not of a less conflicted world, but of one that is more sectarian fragmented and tribal.”?

In essence the attitude of Christians, Muslims and their fellow-travelling Marxists can be summed up in the coarse Col. Blimp-ism “My shit smells like ice-cream whereas yours is shit”.

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