Operation Hey Ram by Aajtak

via P. Deivamuthu published on September 15, 2010

To: Aajtak TV Channel
Sub: You have hurt Hindu Religious Sentiments
I watched your programme “Operation Hey Ram” on 9th September 2010 night.
The sting operation on Asaram Bapu and Sudhansu Maharaj smacks of a conspiracy to defame Hindu Sadhus and Sants. And you have selected an appropriate time for broadcasting this episode – on the eve of Ganesh Chaturthi – when the entire Hindu society is in a gay mood celebrating Ganapathy. Therefore, your intention is very clear. You have tried to demoralise Hindus by demonising a few Hindu Sants. By doing so, you are apparently trying to serve someone’s cause.
I have not had the occasion to watch in your Channel any such programmes involving Fathers and Moulvis, while the entire western media is flooded with sex scandals and frauds involving Churches. If you want, I am giving below one, so that you can make an episode on this and broadcast it. Then and then only I will be sure that your Channel is not partisan and is neutral. Otherwise, Hindus will presume that you are targeting Hindu Sants as they are soft targets. (By the way, did you cover the recent news of atrocities on Hindus by Muslims in Deganga in North 24-Parganas in West Bengal?)
On 12th June 2009, there was a Press Conference, at 4.00 p.m at the Shanmukhananda Hall, King Circle, Mumbai, addressed by Kanchi Shankaracharya, Swami Jayendra Saraswati ji, and Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracious, after the Interfaith Meeting held earlier on that day at the same venue. After their briefing, my question to Mumbai Archbishop was : “In the New Community Bible released recently you have included hundreds of verses from Veds and Upanishads. Does this not amount to steeling the intellectual properties of Hindus?”. His answer was: “I am not aware of it”. According to press reports, Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracious worked on the project for 18 years and released the New Community Bible himself. Still, he was just lying to me when he said ‘I am not aware of it’. He told this lie in front of Kanchi Shankaracharya and about 40 media persons. How can a person of the stature of Mumbai Archbishop lie so blatantly and still go scot free?
I sent this news to all Channels at that time, but as expected, no one bothered to look at it, leave alone publishing it. Can you make an episode on this liar? Do you have the guts to do so?
As a Hindu, my religious feelings are hurt by your broadcasting the said programme on 10th Sept. 2010. By planting stories and putting words into their mouths, you have tried to trap these Sants, and falsely show that these Sants have committed some criminal offence. You have done this just to defame them and to demoralise the Hindus who have faith in Hindu sants. Further, by broadcasting the programme on the eve of Ganesh Chaturthi, you have hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus. In view of your broadcasting the said programme on the eve of Ganesh Charturthi, I am sure many Hindus could not have celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi on the morning 11th September 2010 with the usual pomp. Your programme has given mental torture to them and has de-spirited them. In the process, you spoilt the festive mood of Hindus. You seem to derive vicarious pleasure by taunting Hindus.
You owe an apology to the entire Hindu society. However, you can make amends if you agree to broadcast an episode on the matter mentioned above – lying by  Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracious in front of about 40 media persons on 12th July 2009.
I will be publishing this letter in Hindu Voice as well as National Spirit. If you prefer to reply to this letter, that too will be published. Apart from this, I along with like minded Hindus will be carrying out a campaign among Hindu viewers and your Hindu advertisers to boycott your chennel for being anti-Hindu, which please note.
P. Deivamuthu
Editor, Hindu Voice (Monthly)
Editor, National Spirit (Weekly)
Founder-President, Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum

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