NSCN (K) Christian terrorists involved in Forcible Conversion in Arunachal Pradesh

published on March 21, 2011

Janjati Manch writes to PM
Forcible Conversion of Tutsa janjatis to Christianity by NSCN (K)
By Jagdamba Mall – Organiser

JANJATI Dharma Sanskriti Suraksha Manch has drawn the attention of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to protect the Tutsa people of Kothung village of Tirap district including Lazu circle and whole of Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh. In a letter dated February 14, 2011 addressed to Prime Minister, Shri BB Jamatia, the president of the Manch said, “One Wangdong Chaktey, a self-styled Central Intelligence Officer (CIO) UT/III of Government of People’s Republic of Nagaland (GPRN-NSCN-K) served a threat letter dated January 4, 2011 to the president, Central Rangfra Administrative Council (CRAC), district Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh. NSCN-K has ordered vide this letter to stop by January 9, 2011 and there after all the socio-cultural and faith promotional activities of Rangsomhum (Rangfra temple) of Kothung village of Tirap district including Lazu circle and whole of Changlang district.” NSCN-K has warned that non-compliance of that order would invite a dire consequence.

The NSCN-K official Wangdong Chaktey has ordered that no Rangsomhum could be constructed in any village of that area. Neither, the followers of Rangfra faith can take any religious and cultural activity anywhere. Shri Jamatia says further that when Shri Wangjam Chaktey and Shri Kamjam Hangphuk, the priest and secretary respectively of Rangfra Administrative Council (RAC) of Kothung village could not comply with orders of NSCN-K, they were summoned to their designated camp located in nearby jungle. There, the priest Wangjam Chaktey, 75, was tied in a post and tortured for four hours from 11 am to 3 pm on January 11. Earlier, the same militant official of NSCN-K had issued similar threat letter on October 30, 2010 to stop all the religious activities of Rangfra religion. Again on February 1, Kamjam Hangphuk was kidnapped and retained in their designated camp for six days till February 6. He was thoroughly beaten there and was released only when 65 thousand in cash was paid and a pig worth rupees ten thousand was given to him. This is with an intention of converting the followers of Rangfra religion into Christianity and integrating Changlang and Tirap districts of Arunachal Pradesh into their proposed “Greater Nagaland”.

The Manch president has drawn the attention of Prime Minister stating that armed groups in hundreds, brandishing lethal weapons are roaming in the villages since November 2010, creating tension and fear psychosis among the common masses especially the villagers because of that they could not celebrate their festivals. Some remote villages are completely under control of the factions with instances of villagers not being allowed to move out of their villages and their mobile phones seized. And with the latest spurt of armed conflicts, the villagers have not been able to move out to clear their jhum fields causing serious concern among people. The hardest hit is Khonsa, the district headquater of Tirap which is under control of cadres of the two waring factions – NSCN-IM and NSCN-K.

The letter to Prime Minister describe that on January 14, Chief of Ozakho village – Awang Wangsu, the lone son of his parents was shot dead. A decade ago, his father was also killed by militants of one of the factions. Hence, the entire generation of the Chief of Ozakha village has become extinct due to the armed conflicts. A number of Govt. officers have also been receiving intimidations and threat letters leading to hampering of many developmental activities. While taking into account the intensity, magnitude and movement of the latest turn of events, it is apprehended that the war of supremacy between two factions will become more vigorous with potential of damaging the prospect of peaceful survival of innocent people of these two districts – Changlang and Tirap which have become the battleground of NSCN-IM and NSCN-K.

Drawing attention further Shri Jamatia, narrates that under the protective cover of NSCN-IM in their area of operation and NSCN-K in its area of control, the Naga Christian missionaries are masquerading as peace-makers with Bible in one hand and AK-47 in the other. It may be noted that the Naga Christian missionaries are in both the factions working for the extension of sphere of “Nagaland for Christ”. The official logos of both the factions bear prominently the slogan “Nagaland for Christ” signaling that Christianity is the only recognised religion in the area of their control.

It is requested through this letter that criminals be arrested immediately along with all the armed cadres responsible for creating panic in the area and punished as per the law of the land so that peace prevails there. Also appropriate security be provided to office bearers of Rangsomhum in all the villages. It is also requested to check the conversion crusade and missionary menace of Naga missionaries sponsored by different Naga churches of Nagaland who are moving freely under the protection of armed terrorists of NSCN-K and NSCN-IM. NSCN-IM and NSCN-K are two rival factions of Naga terrorists but when it comes to the question of conversion, they are one and the same because church acts as the Godfather of both of them.

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