Now N Ram’s turn to preach on ‘Media Ethics’

via K Vijayan published on December 4, 2010

Irradiated Media ‘colloquium’at Asian School of Journalism

A ‘colloquium’ was apparently held at the Asian School of Journalism (ASJ), Chennai, on Wednesday, 1-12-2010. Panelists included J.Gopikrishnan (“Pioneer” whistle blower), N.Ram (the Ed-in-chief of Hindu), Hartosh Singh Bal (Pioneer political Editor) and a “BBC Consultant of ASJ” named Geary.

The Topic for colloquy was Ethics (ha, ha!) and Privacy (hee-haw, hee-haw!) – but confined to the Journalists (and Others too) presently captured on tape bending it like Beckham for Niiira Radia.

We wonder why other Bright Lights of major Main Stream Media (Print as well as AV) were not present, and why the Teevee and almost all All India Papers failed to report on this Event the next day or the day after. Ram was letting off about “a sense of kinship among journalists and sense of competition. . .” and it looks like the latter sense nudged out the former. We will confine ourselves to commenting on the (alleged) profundities uttered by N.Ram, as reported in The Hindu, Cheenai; 3-12-2010.

Number One:

“It is not professional to attribute motives to the publication of information.”

Not professional, since the “profession” here runs on ‘motives’, mainly well-paying ones operating in the Grey Zone between Criminal Activities and Treason.

Number Two:

“The Radia tapes provided raw material such as that WikiLeaks was providing now. It is preposterous for a professional journalist to claim you cannot place raw material out there.”

But professional journalists can shove raw material UP somewhere unmentionable and unseen; like if they happen to be items which may be favourable to Hindus, Hinduthva or Saffron forces.

And PJs can plant any raw material, particularly those written by Minority Female one-book-wonders, if it is about innocent muslimas having living foetuses ripped out of their abdomen by Hindu Fanatics in the MSM. Need never be retracted when proven untrue by concerned muslimas. The less said about Teesta Shitstallwad raw material the better.

Thus Ram justifies the Main Stream Media’s long  history of “placing up there’ lurid Jhabua, Kashmir, Manipuri Nun Rape Type stories, 24 X 7, for weeks or months on end, pinning the blame on Hindus, Hinduthva, saffron outfits, BJP. “Spit and scoot” as much raw material as gets paid for, and Truth be damned. THAT is the Accreditted Journo paradigm of Kalijug N. Ram’s age.

Ram may as well add that Truth shall not figure in the History of India either, and you cannot question the raw material planted by Traitors posing as academicians in our Text Book or other Councils.

It was Ram’s friend and Harmony Partner, the Soddy Nawab of Bunkumpass, who vandalized and shut down Gautier’s Aurangazeeb Exhibition in Chennai recently, and since we did not find any raw material from Ram berating the Muhammedan Vandals, we are sure he approves of this Bugger the Truth Paradigm for Pee Journalism.

There was a lot of raw material from this chincom boomboom maadu about M FHussain’s Freedom and Right to paint Hindu Gods in raw porn poses, but not about muhammedans’ Right to Kill Hindus in India over Danish Cartoonists.

When plenty of raw material was floating around Europe and Americas for years about Padiri Paedophilia going right up to the Nazi Pope, this Ram’s Media Rajyum was silent. This rum Rajyum did not go after the Omalur Missionary School rape-killers in its inimitable 24 X 7 Modi-BJP-bashing fashion either. PJ acceptance of the Right of Padiris to rape & kill is another Global Phenomenon.

Ram also said (allegedly) that newspapers depend on advertisements for up to 85% of their revenues, but ‘editorial policy’ finally decided what could be published and what ‘line’ could be taken. So who decides ‘editorial policy’? Joshua Corporation? Karanjia’s ‘Jute barons’ all dead and replaced by OIC and Vatican nuncios?

And why are there such disproportionately high number of Christians and muhammedans in the editorial, reporting, corresponding columnisting, and executive staff of the Main Stream Media? Something rotten . . . . .?

We were not surprised to note that no PJ seems to have mentioned Truth, Objectivity, Value-based journalism, let alone the need for the Media to fight Jihadi-Crusader attempts to take over and destroy India.

The Media has certainly come a long way down the murky path chalked out by Philip Matthew (remember him?) and Ram in the Media Merchants Mela held at Madras on 15th and 16th March, 2003.

“Bottom Line” was the Main Concern of the Mediamercs then. Is it acceptance of the Sellout of the country to and by aliens now?

Ram, Rahim and Raul have formed a Bugger India Coalition, okay.

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