Now Malabar to witness the ‘ART OF TEMPLE LOOTING’

via HK published on November 28, 2007

Thiruvananthapuram: After the successful politicization of Temples in Travancore-Kochi regions-The Comrades now eye at the Temples in Malabar.

The Marxist strategy to capture Temples are straight forward- Divide the positions in Boards and Temple local committees first among supporting parties of LDF, once the initial consensus is reached those Atheists will be nominated into various positions.

Immediately after this first phase the new Temple Administrators will pose themselves as ardent devotees and will fill the rest of the vacancies among their party cadres.

Third phase –That is the corruption phase will go smoothly if there is consensus among the various nominees. Otherwise it will have the fate of present Travancore Board.

Apart from this looting of Temple’s money and property, there comes the final agenda of Temple destruction. The strategy being practiced for last 60 years is of the same pattern. Pose themselves as intellectuals and dub all those who believe in God as fools.

In early years Communist party opposed all who believe in GOD apart from their religion-That opposition towards God has now been reduced only to Hindus. The love towards GOD by the communists reached its height when special arrangements were made by the party for their Muslim comrades to do prayers in between their meeting.

With the advent of new Malabar Devaswom Board ordinance which has passed hastily in the assembly, Devotees of Malabar will also get an opportunity to see the conversion of your local atheist comrades, who never missed a chance to ridicule the Temples- as an ardent devotee discussing about the importance of various offerings to the diety!

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